Baby isn't crawling, clapping, waving, anything really..

Does anyone else feel immense pressure when you see posts about how well other babies are doing, and all the skills they have learned? Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for those mamas and they deserve to be proud of their babies! But I end up feeling so shit about how slowly my baby is coming along.. and I wonder if I'm not doing enough. Like playing with him enough, clapping with him, or playing peek a boo enough. I feel like I spend hours every day playing with my baby, helping him stand, showing him how to do things. I'm always clapping to songs or when he does something, but he never once tries to copy me. He also doesn't crawl and doesn't pull to stand, despite me trying every single day to show him. I'm worried he's so behind and I don't know if I could do any more to help him that what I'm already doing. I know all babies develop at different rates but it's still difficult to just accept and not feel the pressure a little bit 😓
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My LG has only recently started properly trying to crawl, she has much preferred standing (not that she can pull herself to stand) or she'll bum shuffle around. She doesn't clap, she doesn't really wave, she only plays peekaboo by covering her face and then I'll act surprise when she pulls it off and she'll do it again. She loves when I "slap" her mouth and she'll make noise that way (not sure how to word it) when I do it to myself and showed her she tried to copy. Me with that so maybe your lo just doesn't want to clap or wave

Honestly I could have wrote this! The pressure is insane right! And if I’d have a £1 for everyone telling me ‘every baby is different and goes at their own pace’ I’d be a millionaire 😭 My boy only recently mastered sitting up on his own for ages I was so so worried that I was doing something wrong like you not helping or playing with him enough I felt like a failure and I can’t say what’s changed in me feeling me at ease but the best advice I can give you is Focus on the things baby is doing instead of not doing❤️! I’ll not say the obvious sayings haha but I’m so glad you wrote this! It’s so relatable🥹 x

I feel exactly the same right now. I've just been sat filling in the 10 and 12 month questionnaires for his review tomorrow and it's highlighting so much he isn't doing.

I was a ftm once and I get it, I remember it because it was only like 18 months ago I felt that way but, the second time mum in me wants to add a quid to your collective wallets and tell you every baby is different but also to ask yourself where is the pressure coming from? Is it real or perceived? If real where is it coming from? Figure that out then tell them to f off or block it out. Dickh3ad on tiktok? Block em. Health Visitor? Fuck em, their service is optional anyway. Pinch of salt all the way.

Please try not to worry, there are a lot of babies who aren't doing these things just yet, it absolutely doesn't mean you are not doing enough! And it doesn't always mean there's anything wrong either! If anyone gets judgy tell them to do one! Try and enjoy everything they are doing as above, you are doing a great job and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. X

My son is exactly the same and I know he's fine. What we are reading here is about the 10% of babies who are early in their development stages + some mums here are extremely proud (a bit too much sometimes, chill, your baby isn't Einstein). It's ok for your baby to not be early or even to be a tad late for some things. He will walk eventually as all baby do. How quickly a baby can wave or play peekaboo has never been a determining factor for IQ scores 😂

Just wanted to offer some reassurance that our first and second boy have both been similar in particular a little late with the gross motor skills. And we go out all the time go to groups etc etc. My partner has always worried and he is now with our 10 month old. But our 2.5 year old is well caught up in gross motor skills and climbs everywhere and on everything. Hes an absolute chatterbox as well so it comes eventually and that's what I remind myself off. Your doing a great job and at the end of the day's there's no rush for these skills no one asks in an interview when you walked 😆

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