Tummy time - 4 month old

My little bean gets frustrated at 5 mins at tummy time. He’s not rolling yet and I’m worried he’s behind how can I get him to love tummy time
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Hi Jordan, Some of baby I know skip the rolling phase and go directly at crawling. Don’t worry at this stage that your baby is behind. In my case, my baby love tummy time. I tried to lay down when she does it, so she can see my face. I also put some toys before her. Or let a rolling soft towel under her chest and let her play with a tray of water. Hope it helps :)

Do you have the fisher price piano play mat? It’s a real hit for tummy time.

@Katie yes I agree, I was gifted two of those and gave one to my brother in law who’s having a child. I set mine up a couple days ago, my daughter loves it.

I completely second the piano mat my son at first hated tummy time but now he loves it… I would recommend setting him down for those 5 minutes and then start to increase the time (I did by one minute) that next time you so tummy time in the day. Also I would help my LO try to turn I would go under one leg to grab the other and turn him just to show him what it felt like

In the same boat!

The fisher price mat like they said above ! My daughter loves it it’s great for tummy time and my daughter rolled a couple times then stoped she won’t roll at all anymore all she try’s to do now is sit up my ped said not to worry about it she will roll they typically roll between 4-7 months you have time!

My baby hated tummy time until she started rolling. Once she started rolling and “putting herself in tummy time” so to speak, she loved it. That said, we built her window of tolerance up slowly. We have the Fisher Price mat and also a Lovevery mat. In either one, we just let her go 1-2 minutes (however much she could tolerate) multiple times a day. I held her as much as I could to help build neck strength. So for us, it was about putting her down for tummy time whenever we could and letting her fuss a bit, and holding her too. Now that she’s rolling, she can do tummy time for 20+ minutes at a time.

Mine used to not like it! I got the piano mat and he loved the toys and I slowly increased tummy time was stressed etc but also lay him on his back too! I would lay him on his back and he would practice trying to roll like he wouldn’t even get close but little by little he was able to squirm around I would help him roll on to his tummy and now he does it but before he would hate it 😂 idk what happened but he went from hating it to doing it on his own all the time now

@Jordan I second the kick piano. My little one loves it now but we did struggle at first. I did tummy time 2x a day at first gradually increasing time and now we are down to once per day for like 5-10 min at a time. My little one shows no signs of wanting to roll but she loves to sit. We've been practicing sitting on her own and is doing well. Kids develop differently which doesn't mean they are behind so be patient with him and yourself. ❤️

Tummy time on top of Mom and Dad counts as well. That's how we got our daughter to love it. She lays on top of us and babbles. She also does time time at swim class on a float and that built up her tolerance as well

Have u tried tummy time on you or in your arms as alternatives? Do you have books or toys in front of baby?

I've done tummy time on my birthing ball and my LO seemed to really enjoy it, as well as tummy time on me or dad if she's really not feeling floor time! Sometimes I'll also video chat with my parents and set that up in front of her during tummy time (I don't count that as screen time, cuz it's important grandparent bonding time) and my daughter LOVES that! Then also lots of toys, she loves her high contrast crinkle mat! Sometimes she'll do tummy time for 30 minutes, sometimes it's 5 minutes, I go with what she wants and if she really wants to be on her back I'll do other exercises with her or give her some time laying on her side!

So mine just started rolling at 5.5 months consistently. She started rolling tummy to back around 3.5 months, but only because she hated tummy time so much and it was a way to get out of it. She actually forgot the skill temporarily because when she was little, her head was bigger proportionally and she could just yeet her head to the side and let gravity do the rest. As her body and muscles got bigger, this didn't work anymore and she got lazy and just screamed. She rolls now, but it took until 5.5 months. I suspect she could have done it before, she just wasn't all that interested. Some babies are movers, others are talkers! Some are just content to sit and watch you. Some skip rolling or crawling entirely. They all go at their own pace. Give it time and keep practicing tummy time. Remember that holding them upright also counts as building core muscles. As it gets easier, they will like it more, and once they realize they can get around there is no stopping them!

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