Worried about milestones

Anyone else worried about their LOs milestones and being behind? My boy is nearly 16 months and doesn’t have a very wide range of words yet. I’m staring to get concerned 😣
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My little boys coming up to 16 months too. He says Mama, Dada, juice and he quacks sometimes. My daughter could have a conversation with you at this point. I have days I worry but also I know it’s so normal to not have many words at this point. My little boys also waiting to be seen by the ENT team for a glue ear diagnosis but we’ve already been told he needs grommets so it’s hard to tell if his hearing has been impacted. Honestly though my nephew was nearly 2 and not speaking at all and he woke up one day and started saying sentences. It’s crazy how quickly it can come on! I’m sure your little boy is doing great and it’ll come. Sometimes I wish I could go back to when my daughter didn’t speak because every day is just a constant monologue of her life from the second she opens her eyes to the second she falls asleep 😂 x

We have 1 twin saying "uh oh" & "dah-dee" for all adults. The other also says "uh oh" and "no" which sometimes means yes. Our first was the same, some babies take longer with talking than others. Definitely too early to worry in my experience

My boy is almost 3 and his speech didn't pick up properly until he was over 2 it kind of picked up out of the blue and now he doesn't stop talking 🙊 I will say sometimes his speech isn't always as clear as other children but he definitely knows what he's saying and what he wants and the closest people to him can understand him I think girls seem to be a little quicker with talking... looking back at him at this age he didn't really say much maybe just "mummy" "uh oh" and "hello" My girl is saying "hello" "mummy" "daddy" "nanny" "yah" "no" "help" "ball" "ooohhh" "clap" and "dad dad" for grandad. She is working on saying "more" which is like "mo" at the minute. She's not always consistent especially with "help" as she will usually just scream at me 😂 and some days she just babbles lots and prefers waving or blowing kisses instead of saying hello. I wouldn't worry every child is different and it will come when they are ready 😊 x

My little boy is 16 months in May and only has a few words I.e “mum” “dad” “ball” “fwa (flower)”. He’s constantly babbling and shouting in his own way at us. He knows to put the phone to his ear and doesn’t say hello but his own version of hello. I think he’s forming his own version of words because I know what he means (tee being toothbrush). I used to really worry about this especially after a comment my partners mum made about him probably going to be slow with speech because he wasn’t fully talking (at 12/13 months) and my partner wasn’t either at that age but I honestly try to not look into milestones too much anymore as I would just get myself worried for anything that was estimated to be approaching. I know my wee one understands things that I say to him based on his reaction/response. I know it’s so much easier said than done but I would try not to worry too much, lovely. From what I’m told boys take a bit longer than girls.

This is completely normal! And absolutely nothing to worry about!

My 15 month old doesn't say any words other than cat and num num which is food🤣

My son doesn’t say any words !! It’s still very early

I worry about this constantly but I think it’s totally normal and we have to remember babies all develop at different rates - my wee one talks CONSTANTLY without saying words lol. She can say mama, dada, bub bubs (for bubbles), nana, no

My LO says mumma dadda and ta, he makes noises for elephant, and monkey 🤣 but he hasn’t got a huge range either. I feel boys are slower

My daughter doesn’t have a very wide range of words yet either. She says yes, no, dog, dada, nana, mama and occasionally some other words but not consistently. Im not worried at the moment as her understanding is very good and she babbles constantly. I think children all just develop at different speeds and prioritise some skills before others for example my daughter walked at 10 months and hasn’t used a pram in months as she walks/runs absolutely everywhere we go now and I think she’s always prioritised movement haha

Thank you so much everyone. This makes me feel lots better. It’s so hard not to compare isn’t it and guess they are all on their on little journeys.. being anxious doesn’t help though 🙈❤️xx

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