What are easy/ safe meals and foods you feed your baby

I'll be honest, I haven't been the best with feeding my 9 month old real food, he has a texture problem! I know I need to feed him more foods, but I'm a helicopter mom and I'm scared of choking! What are some good meals you make for your baby's???
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I pretty much feed my babies whatever I eat, if they are small I just cut it up really small for them, my baby just turned 11 months, she eats everything lol she loves food

My 9 month old eats just about everything! We started off with purées at 4 months and then moved to softer foods like mashed potatoes. I was definitely concerned about choking since she likes to shove a lot of food in her mouth at once so I personally make sure I only give her one of two things at a time so I make sure she finishes what’s in her mouth before adding too much more. My daughter’s pediatrician reassured me that babies have a strong gag reflex so they will gag and cough it out on their own majority of the time. I was also concerned about introducing things like peanuts and tree nuts, and she assured me to try it all (besides honey and milk). I was really stressing about trying to make meals for her, but because she is so interested in food and trying everything I have I will make me food and then portion some out for her and cut her smaller pieces! You’ve got this mama! Every baby is different, and you will know when he is ready to try more foods 🩷

Oh! & I did just start prepping some breakfast foods for the week! I made blueberry muffins, pancakes, and hard boiled eggs. Breakfast oatmeal/ cereal is a go to for us as well

My daughters favorite breakfasts are scrambled eggs and berries (if I'm giving her raspberries or Blueberries, I pinch them so they aren't round, and strawberries I give to her whole as long as they are big and she can chew pieces off of it), and waffles (I also give berries with this). She is OBSESSED with cottage cheese. She does really well with shredded chicken too and all steamed veggies (broccoli is her favorite). Salmon is a good one, I'll give her strips of a filet. Those are some of the more frequent foods we give her

Will also give her quesadillas, and toast with different butters spread on it (peanut butter, Almond butter, cashew butter, sun butter)

I understand your fear I have anxiety when it comes to choking and I have been comparing myself to lots of mom out there feeding their babies whole foods. But I decided to follow my baby’s pace and help her at a slow pace. Rushing things out caused me more anxiety and I ended up missing meals because of that. I don’t know what you’re giving your baby what texture you’re introducing but babies just need some time to get used to new stuff and adapt. If you give purées you can start with not blending foods anymore and just mashing them with the fork, when baby gets the hang of it you can advance to different textures like small shreds of chicken (check guidelines for choking for that) and pieces of meat, small chunks of beans, rice, pastas, quinoa…. Honestly I still feed my 9 month old baby myself and give her small bites because I feel she’s still not ready for more. So do what suits you and your baby.

Banana pancakes are huge for me😭and boiled diced potatos/ sweet potatos also steamed carrots get pretty soft

Keep things in small pieces so it's easier to grab.

Scrambled eggs. Small pieces of pasta. Small pieces of meat. Soft vegetables. Sliced frozen blueberries if teething ( yes, frozen.... Easier to slice, and the cold feels good to him, I'm sure)

The reason babies gag is because their gag reflex is much closer to the front of their tongue until they’re a little older so food could very well not even be close to their throat and they will gag. I was so anxious about choking until I realized 99% of the time they are just gagging and not choking! And they can usually self correct. I also kept a spoon in my hand for when my baby couldn’t get a piece out the way so I could just reach in with it and pull the piece forward without disturbing the eating process too much. Baby didn’t seem to mind that too much and it was much easier since my fingers are a little sausage-y. Half the battle is not acting scared or anxious in front of your child. Once they associate food and being scared it’s gonna be a battle to get them to eat anything.

My daughter gags on everything that’s normal food. The doctor said just to keep feeding her stage 2 and she’ll eventually eat when she’s ready. She also dosent have any teeth yet so I’m thinking that might be a factor as well. She’s mostly bottle fed and baby food/baby cereals…. She’s going to be 10 months on may 11th.

Let ur baby play with his food then he’ll get over texture problem

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