Possible tongue tie?

I’ve just been looking at my baby’s mouth and I’m unsure if he has a tongue tie. We tried BF when he was born and he just wouldn’t latch. He’s never had a good latch on his bottles either until now. It’s not the best photo but now I’m worried it’s something I’ve missed and he’ll need it correcting but he’s 7 months next week 😩 sorry for the bad quality picture just couldn’t get it
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Has he got any other symptoms? My lo had a tongue tie and he had reflux, tension, was super unsettled, leaked milk from a bottle etc. when i wasnt sure whether he did or not, i sent an email to “The Tongue Tie Centre” and they helped me a bunch. Tongue ties and tension/oral dysfunction can cause lots of other issues - no dr suggested it was a cause for reflux! Would deffo reccommend an email xx

@Bex so he’s had reflux from being tiny and always problem with latching would curl his lip in never over the bottle. He used to leak milk. He however now seems okay and his latch improved 100% and I’m wondering if it could’ve improved himself?

Baby can definitely improve latch with a tongue tie and lip tie which it looks like in the photo. My baby has a 50% posterior tongue tie and lip tie which we decided not to get cut for various reasons but we worked on her latch and improved it so the lactation consultant wasn’t concerned. She can still be a bit iffy when she’s not overly hungry but on the whole she’s all good 🤗

Personally, I’d send an email and ask for advice. They’ve been amazing with my lo. He had a posterior tie and helllllllllaaaaa tongue tension which were still working on. I hope you get answers xxx

@Joely see I never even thought of a lip/tongue tie!! No one ever really tells you. When I spoke to my HV she just said he’ll get the latch eventually and there’s nothing wrong. But yes now you’ve said it it seems it has improved because like I said in the post his mouth is open now around the test rather than his top lip curled in. Just makes me feel guilty that I didn’t see it earlier 🫣

Don’t feel guilty! No one mentioned it to me and I noticed her tongue shape one day when sticking it out so I asked the HV and she made the referral. I’d only be concerned if baby wasn’t gaining weight and there was never any improvement in the latch, but that’s my take on it. I’m pretty sure that I have a tongue and lip tie and I thought everyone had it but my partner doesn’t🤣

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