
Anyone else fee like their little one is not really speaking or children round the same age are so much further on with their talking than they are. My little boy is so clever in loads of ways - he’s great with puzzles and building blocks and problem solving but I just feel he’s still just babbling nonsense. I’ve bought a card toy ‘thing’ off the internet that they put the card in and it tells them the word of the picture, we read stories, do nursery rhymes, when he points at things saying ‘yes that’s the tree/flower/dog’ but apart from daddy, gran, mama and a few other random words, I don’t think there’s much else he says. Even when he’s watching something while im making dinner or tidying, It’s normally ms Rachel or nursery rhymes that we have on He was 18 months last week
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In the same ⛴️ except we have 0 words & only slightly babbling. Hard not to worry but I’m trying to switch off & believe it’ll happen when he’s ready. I also do/have all the things you do too ☺️

@Jess so hard to switch off isn’t it!

My LO has 2 words that are clear and 4 words that are unclear. I was worried because kids at our swimming around the same age are much more talkative and some of these days my kid isn't even using her words or babbling. However I keep reminding myself that she will talk when she's ready. She's just finally learned to walk and she understands so much and seems ro be learning other things so I know she's okay but it is so hard not to worry!!

No words and no babbling here either 🤷🏻‍♀️ he has a happy scream, a happy “tone” noise and a cry and they’re the only noises he makes

Yup! 🙋‍♀️. Says some words and generally clever with problem solving etc and listening and understanding what I say just doesn't want to repeat back. Not much advice sorry asides I sympathise and doing similar activities x

The fact that he’s understanding and able to follow instructions etc, is amazing! He sounds so clever! They usually say to seek further advice if they’re not doing any of the above of which you mentioned + not speaking many words at this age, but of course speak to a professional/HV for more advice. It sounds like he’s doing well tbh. Not sure if you’re on insta but I always recommend this page to people for speech tips: @raisinglittletalkers

This is the same as us she says a few words and babbles but understands what you're saying to her. I've like others tried to not worry about it x

I’m in the same boat! Sometimes I’m not even sure he understands me either

Same here mama….my little one is 18 months and hasn’t said any words either. We’ve got the health visitor coming on Friday…bit anxious about it to be honest 😔

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