Breast feeding in public.

So my son is 12 weeks and I still haven’t managed to breast feed in public. Anyway I can help with my confidence. I have usually just always pumped before we go out for a feed.
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Buy a breastfeeding cover. I got one from Shein.

Have you got a breastfeeding support group near you? You could try popping along for a chat and feed your baby there to get some confidence. It can really help being around others in a supportive environment

It’s okay to use a cover if you don’t feel comfortable. Or do you struggle with position? My LB is 14 weeks and I feed him before we go out usually he doesn’t need another feed when we’re out x

Do you have any mum friends who also breastfeed? I gained confidence going out with some and realising I don’t pay any attention to them so the chances are nobody pays attention to me either! A breastfeeding support group may also get you comfy feeding in front of other people or like others have said a cover will help you have some privacy. I’d say start small, somewhere quiet and a little out of the way until you build your confidence. I was like you to start with and now I just feed anywhere 😅 confidence definitely grows with time xx

Thank you! So I have a support group on a Friday near me so I’ll definitely pop along and start there as obviously everyone is in the same boat. Position is fine with him he latches on no problem, it’s just myself building up that confidence xx

I did it first at the doctors surgery after his jabs. People are in the waiting room for short amounts of time and waiting for their name so they don't notice. It's a good place to start with and helps confidence. I felt like a cafe/restaurant where people are sat around was way more intimidating as a first place.

That’s a really good idea. His needles are on Thursday too so I could do that! Thank you. At least I know I’m. It alone in feeling scared xx

Oh bless you I know it’s daunting, I found it better to wear baggy jumpers / t shirts that I could pull up rather than something to pull to the side / unbutton. Baby’s head covers bottom half of breast and then my top covers the rest xoxo

@Lana they recommend to feed after anyway and I don't have a car to jump into so I just sat back in the waiting room. In my surgery they have a private room if you want to feed in there but I just sat in the corner and positioned my pram so the next seat was blocked (it wasn't busy). Good luck, you'll be fine once you do it once, you'll realise how little people notice.

Getting them on the boob is the "worst" part. Once they're on I find it just looks like you're having a cuddle. I wear a baggy top, unclip my bra and get ready, then hold baby in front of me blocking the view, lift my top up and put him on. Once you've done it once you'll feel much better about it.

Thank you everyone for all your advice! I really do appreciate it. Fingers crossed ❤️

I always say is what anyone thinks I’m feeding my kid

I have been feeding my daughter out and about for 2 years and literally no one has ever even looked at me funny, even now she's 2, because honestly I don't think people really pay that much attention to anyone else really! In the early days I tried using a cover or muslin because I felt I should but they were honestly more of a hassle and my daughter hated being covered! Get yourself sorted before you try and latch, get comfy, unclip your bra, etc before you move the top layer I found easiest, and just focus on your baby. I like the nursing tops with a flap so you have a bit of extra coverage

Definitely not alone! I still find it a little intimidating but it gets easier and your confidence increases each time! Like some others said, start small - I went to a cafe and got a table in the corner for my first time!

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I personally still have not fed in public (baby is 4 months old) because I'm not comfortable... But if I had to, I would, obviously! I just time our feeds before going anywhere with loads of people (which is very rarely actually - I'm not a peoples person😅) I have, however, breastfed on top of a 2500ft mountain just last weekend 😂😂

breastfeeding clothing!!!! i have a couple tank tops, a shirt and a dress from Shein that have zippers or holes that make breastfeeding so much easier and comfortable in public. a nursing cover is also great! you can also find cheap nursing clothes on facebook marketplace and amazon but i prefer it way more than trying to use normal clothes honestly but my nursing cover is my go to in normal clothes because i want to feel covered and comfortable especially since my baby unlatches a lot or gets distracted so i don’t want to flash anyone lol

I tend to wear clothes that allow me easy access when I go out, and I do also cover up most of the time just for a bit of extra privacy. I do feed my little boy at home before we go out as part of our leaving the house routine but he almost always needs a top up while we’re out as he’s a big eater 😂

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