Car seat help…

Can you report somebody for not strapping in a child properly? The straps are sooo loose to the point they’re not even over the child’s body…
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I went to school with a girl who is constantly driving and posting stories of her child in the car seat, the youngest is 3, forward facing and just with a seatbelt not the harness.. it’s awful the lack of knowledge some people have on how important car seat safety actually is!

Yeah this woman puts her child on Instagram in the car regularly and it’s nerve wracking to watch 😓 the child is practically not wearing a seatbelt. Her child is 15 months as well and front facing 😟

I mean it’s on social media so you have no idea what she does after you aren’t watching. I think you could comment and be like hey! I think you need to tighted the straps on the car seat. And be nice about it and give some facts. But I don’t think there’s a way to report when you aren’t even friends with them

I'd say she probably already knows it's not right but doesn't say the best thing to do if you're not comfortable commenting or talking to her about it is to unfriend or block her so you're not worrying about it

Sorry to jump on your post I don’t drive but when we get in someone’s car I put my baby in forward facing? He’s a year and 3 months is this the wrong thing to do?

@Chloe it’s a lot more dangerous in the event of a crash unfortunately, especially if they’re in a forward facing harnessed seat (high back boosters are safer as they use the car seatbelt but only suitable for children over the age of 5). The car seat safety UK page is a useful resource for learning about this if you’re interested x OP unfortunately if they’re not doing anything illegal (forward facing too long, inappropriate seat etc…) then I’m not sure there’s anything you can do other than letting them know. It’s really sad that some people just don’t seem to care about car seat safety/aren’t willing to learn

@Chloe It's not the safest thing to do, it's 5 times safer to rear face. A child's body wouldn't be able to withstand the force of a crash whilst front facing at such a young age and there's a high risk of internal decapitation when front facing with a harness, this is why it's safest to rear face until 5 or 6 when they can then safely front face in a high backed booster with a seatbelt. There's other things to consider as well, do you make sure there's a 55cm survival gap from your child's nose to the seat infront everytime you get in someone's car? What car seat do you have? A lot of common car seats are minimally tested and don't perform well in crash tests when used front facing. Have a look at front facing vs rear facing crash tests on YouTube 😊 x

@Chloe if you have been doing it before 15m old it would have been illegal (unless they are in an old style seat which the requirement was 9kg). Just for your learning that’s what the law says. But like others say, rear facing is 5x safer and best to do until at least 5yo

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