strawberry birthmark

my daughters just a few days over 2 months now. she started growing a strawberry birthmark on her head after 2/3 weeks after birth and it’s getting progressively bigger & is slightly raised. do these naturally go or will it have to get surgically removed if it continues to grow?
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Naturally go away. My daughter has one on her back. She’s 4 months old. I went to the dr last week and she said there was nothing to worry about. You can treat it to stop the blood flow but my dr said “do you really want to medicate your child”.

@Khadijeh hii khadijeh, does it irritate your daughter at all?

My daughter has one in the same place and I was told it will shrink and disappear by the time she’s 2

It will disappear naturally. My niece had it, and it is completely harmless

My lo had one on her head from newborn. It grew an inch in size and raised - very noticeable. By 1 years old it started fading quickly. She’s 2 now and you can’t even see where it was as it’s faded so much and she’s got a thick head of hair

Hi @karima no, doesn’t seem like it does. There’s been a few times where we have pressed against it or got clothes stuck on it. She hasn’t shown any emotion towards it. If anything it irritates us more.

My son has one, he is coming up 4 it's been slowly adding since he was 2. Nhs says they should be gone by 7

My little sister had a large one on her forehead as a baby. This completely disappeared over time

We were given drops for our little boy and they reduced it in size, it’s called a hermangioma the marking x

@Izzy he’s such a cutie, i can’t cope! i feel the exact same way, every time someone new meets her they ask what it is & the little ones tend to say “ew” whenever seeing it.

@karima Thankyou so much 🥹 Yes I’ve been in the same situation but it’s been adults saying it to me. At the end of the day it’s harmless & will disappear, I’m just glad he’s happy & healthy x I have some drops called Timoptol that I just started last week which apparently helps stop growth x

@Izzy i’ll definitely look into getting some drops too as it progressively grows. thank you xx

They normally go away as they get older (older childhood roughly) and will fade. But they can continue growing. My baby has one on her arm since 2 weeks old and it’s got a lot more raised in the last few weeks x

My daughter had one on her forehead, it got to the size of 1p coin then shrunk and got a lot less red. She is 4 now and other than the skin being a bit softer there you would never know she had one xx

My little one had one on her chest at around 5/6 weeks & it did initially grow becoming raised, etc but then stopped. She’s 2.5 years old now & it’s deffo smaller but still there! Just looks like a little spot now x

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My daughter had one. She is 2 and a half and you can barely see it 🙂

My daughter has one on her thigh at the diaper line. It didn’t show up til she was several weeks old and got really big and bright red. She’s 10 months now and it’s starting to get flatter and darker. Def fading from where it got.

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