My nails

What are we doing with our nails? Like if I don't keep them done I feel like I'm constantly scratching my LO. I try to file them during the day but it feels like if I'm not super on top of it, the baby gets scratched. Financially, I don't really want to go get my nails done so I have been doing dip at home. What are y'all doing
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Keeping mine short!

I keep mine short and do gel at home

i get press on nails from glamnetic!! they literally stay on for 2 weeks for me and they are such good quality and a decent price 15-20 bucks im pretty sure!! they have all sorts of lengths you can order online or find at ulta!!

@Jasmine what length do you get?

@Patricia i usually get short almond but they have a few different styles of short nails. they always are titled with the length they are on the box they come in too

I just started doing press ons and I love them! I got 950 press ons, the adhesive gel, and uv lamp all for $6-$7 so that’s way better to me than anything else I’ve done and have tried and they are sooo cute! I get medium size and I don’t scratch my son. I’m also very careful and gentle with him though

I get mine done (almost) regularly-lol. I do a rounded box shape but I’ve recently been trying almond shaped. I tell them to round those edges OUT and cut them as short as possible so that I don’t scratch the baby.

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