Struggling - when will it pass😭

I had such a great newborn stage, took to motherhood like a duck to water, loved every second, I was so lucky she was such an easy newborn and I really am thankful for that as I see on here how tough some others have it She even slept through really early on by pure chance. Then 4m regression came as expected and she hasn’t slept through since, but was still absolutely fine as apart from a few phases she usually just feeds and goes back in the cot 6 months hit and I started to find things tougher with the sleep getting worse not better. Now I’m at 8 months and I’m really struggling. I think she’s going through 8m regression, I’ve been really run down and poorly, she’s had a cold too which hasn’t helped she’s getting 4 teeth at the top (already has the 2 bottom) she’s fighting naps, she’s waking at least 5/6 times a night, every night has multiple wake ups within even the first hour of me putting her down. I’m now working from home (why did I agree to that😭) I can’t get better because I can’t get any rest. My partner is not a bad dad but he’s not the most hands on at the same time if I’m honest. Both are families live not too far but not really close enough that they can pop round often and I feel bad asking them to come all this way I don’t even know what I’m asking for here, has anyone come through the regression? Does it get better? I haven’t sleep trained, I’ve attempted in the past but my daughter just gets herself in a state until I pick her up, not sure what to do.. I can’t carry on like this though. She woke up at 5am today after a terrible night of broken sleep and screamed the house down I changed and fed her and lay her next to me and she fell back to sleep thankfully at about half 6 When will this get easier!?😭😭😭
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I can completely relate (although didn’t timescales). Our little one was an amazing newborn and really easy baby all round, the 4 month regression was tough but his night sleep was still great. For me it has continued to get harder generally from 6 months but he basically stopped sleeping at night at 6.5 months and now 2 and a half months later it’s not improved at all, only got worse. I’ve felt like an absolute zombie for the last 2 and a half months in pure survival mode not really enjoying maternity leave and just trying to function and get through the day (and that’s with a partner that helps out at night and when home from work). So I really feel for you. I can’t offer any advice unfortunately but we have now hired a sleep consultant as we no functioning on a couple hours sleep a night of which can be broken isn’t sustainable for much longer. We are literally on day one today of putting things into practice our sleep consultants has advised so can’t say yet how we’re getting on

But she has been wonderful so far in terms of trying to understand our little one, his normal routine, individual personality and quirks, our wants for him as parents etc. if you can afford to I’d recommend trying a sleep consultant. It is all about adjusting their routine and incorporating certain things if needed and also some sleep training but you can decide which type of sleep training you prefer (we are opting for the gentler approach she offers, no cry it out method)

Thank you, I’ll have to have a look into it as I’m getting desperate at this point! I’m sick of feeling like a zombie in survival mode, trying to keep up with everything as well work, housework shoppping etc, cooking good meals for the baby and us too (tho me and her dad do have a lot of frozen junk these days) Hope you see an improvement! Thank you for your advice!!

Just to say, I feel like I wrote your post myself. I’m so tired and broken and keep hoping it will get better.

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