Does it get easier?

I’m 10 days postpartum and the baby blues/hormone drop is hitting me hard. I cry when my husband is nice to me, when I see him being an amazing dad, when I feel like I’m doing it all wrong, when my baby won’t sleep etc 😂🥴. I get particularly tearful in the evenings and worry about bedtime because I’m worried about not sleeping. I feel guilty waking my husband up even though he’s amazing and so helpful and brilliant with the baby. I feel confined to the house and I really miss going out and about. Does it get easier? Will we get better sleep? How can I help my baby to learn that night time us for sleeping? I know he’s still very new but the sleep deprivation is getting to me.
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Oh darling. Ot will 100% get better. These are the hardest few weeks but they do ease up. It’s totally normal to be feeling this way. Don’t put any pressure on yourself, just take each day and night as they come. My girl is 3 months old and things are easier. Seems a long way ahead but trust me it will. Sleep will get better as baby gets older, they will need to feed less at night and settle easier. Your baby won’t learn that night time is for sleeping for a few months until their circadian rhythm settles - defo google that and it will help put your mind at ease. You’re doing an amazing job and the fact that you’re worrying shows how much you care. You will be okay. I promise angel. 🩷🩷

@Caitlin thank you. I was not mentally prepared for how tough this would be! I’m hoping to join a mum and baby group soon which I’m hoping will help a bit.

@Fizzy I wasn’t prepared either. Nothing can prepare you cos every baby is different. The best thing I ever heard is “they don’t come with an instruction manual, take it as it comes”. Mum and baby group is amazing! I’ve been at one since Maeve was 6 weeks and it’s lovely. Have made so many friends and they all have little ones at different ages so can offer different support. X

Yes it gets easier!!! My son is also 3 months old, and is nothing like his first month. Have your meltdown! Eat the ice cream! Don't hold too much in. Your body is regrouping and you're naturally becoming super human to endure these days with less sleep. You're crying all the time from hormone shifts and exhaustion. You're doing great! Take all the hugs and rest in your spirit. It's ok to ride this wave no matter how big it is and acknowledge what youre feeling, but don't beat yourself up or feel bad for anything. Yes everything changes and gets easier. Just pour your love into your baby each time you are faithful to respond to the needs. You're so beautiful and amazing for conquering this! Keep going!

@Jo thank you! I’m so glad to hear it gets easier. I need to take one day at a time and remind myself how lucky I am to have him and that one day I’ll miss him being this tiny.

Yeah the first few weeks are hard. My boyfriend bought me a specially made sleep suit for the baby on Mother's Day. It made me cry and it was miles too big 😂 are you sleeping at night between feeds? I know young babies want to be fed every 2 and a half hours. That's normal while their tummies are tiny. I've had problems with sleeping but I'm not sure if it's something to do with the medication I was on for high blood pressure. It's easy to teach your baby the difference between night and day. During the day you can be more vocal and talk/sing to the baby. At night time use a low voice and dim lighting. Just give them a feed, change their nappy and put them to bed 😃👍 if you need help nodding off I would recommend a light read or colouring book, anything that relaxes you. Try and get as much sleep as you can get because after 4 weeks it starts to get interesting and challenging. Everyone is sleep deprived. Everyone says how good I look but I've got some great skincare products 😂👍

@Susan im sleeping when I can. At night he can be really hard to put down so not getting much at night apart from the odd stretch that he gives me where he will go down in his cot. If we have a tough night, I sleep when he sleeps in the day where I can.

@Fizzy that's good 😊 keep doing that. I wish I could've napped between feeds when mine was younger. Your baby will get bigger and will drink more milk and eventually he will sleep for a good amount of time ☺️

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