Travel tips/hacks

We’re flying with our 6 month old next week & I’m stressed, nervous, anxious…all the things 😅 For those who’ve flown with a babe around this age can you give me some advice on what to pack in our baby bag, what helped keep baby calm and happy, and how did you handle car seat and stroller? TIA 🤗
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I am also looking for advice lol thanks for posting this!

@Aisha let’s hope we find it bc I’m at a loss 😂

What airline and how long of a flight? I actually think this age is easier than toddlers who want to run everywhere! Binky/bottle/boob at take off/landing to prevent pressure in the ears. Stroller can be gate checked, carseat too if you're not bringing in on board. They'll usually give you priority boarding with a baby to settle in first. Baby wear if baby doesn't like the stroller. Diapers, wipes, change of clothes in case of spit up/ blow out (extra shirt for parents doesn't hurt either). Then whatever baby likes - small board books, teethers, crinkly toys

We just made it through our second international flight ! 6mnths Diaper Bag Essentials - Lysol Wipes travel sized Disposable pads to lay them out on Rhe second time around I bought a hanging toiletries bag off Amazon and put changing things in there for the airplane. Airplane bathrooms are really small and having a whole bag inside was tricky- but the travel bag hung on the door hook and was super easy Little spinner toys for the Windows I also used those silicone things that attach toys to strollers to attach toys to my hands on the plane - otherwise he throws them and they end up on the floor I gate checked the travel stroller but wore him in the bjorn through the airport A bottle for take off and landing / breastfeed at take off landing / paci for take off and landing - basically have them suck on something to help with their ears popping Don’t be afraid to stand up and walk with your babe on the plane ! I’m happy to send links for all the things we used if you want!

Hi! -We’ve put her in a body carrier, and most recently she likes to be facing out to see what’s going on. -we wipe down everything so we bring Lysol wipes and hand sanitizer easily accessible - we have noise protecting ear muffs just incase, but haven’t had to use them, we cup her ears and make sure she has a bottle when landing/ taking off -some planes have the sensory dancing fruit on the lil seat tv! But if you would prefer no screens we also have the spinner toys that suction to the screen or window, and my baby LOVES them. -your baby might just sleep the whole flight too, ours doesn’t anymore now that she’s 6 months but before we would have a headband or beanie that covered her eyes to make it dark :) Don’t be stressed or nervous, one time when I had to travel with her alone and she was teething she started crying, and I started crying, and everyone around me was just trying to console me😂 I think everyone will be fine if your baby gets fussy or upset

My mom is a flight attendant and said you can’t wear your baby in a carrier for take off and landing. Some flight attendants won’t say anything, some will. Just be prepared to not be able to wear the carrier during those times. I would NOT board first. The less time on the plane, the better. Once you’re in the seat, you can’t really get back up once everyone is boarding. If you’re traveling with someone, have them go on first, gate check the stroller, and get everything settled in the seats. Then you get on last with baby so they aren’t restless when people are boarding. Bottle or pacifier during take off and landing. Books, toys, teething crackers, etc for entertainment. Don’t wear something you’re going to get hot in, you’re going to be moving a lot, stressed. It’s a little overwhelming and I sweat so much in a long sleeve or sweater. Definitely bring back up clothes for yourself and for baby. My favorite travel hack- book flights during nap time! It’s so much easier when baby sleeps

Oh my gosh, thank you so much everyone! These suggestions are amazing and I definitely missed several things y’all mentioned. Wish me luck!! 🤗💖✨

I just came back from our international travels yesterday. Wore my 6month old in a carrier on the flight especially for take off and landing, he uses a pacifier (we have the orthodontic rubber ones), I think it helps with the pressure. I try to time his feed as well so he sleeps for take off and landing as much as possible. Had him in a nighttime diaper so less changes. Dressed him in a short sleeve onesie, cotton pants and socks. Kept 6 diapers in his bag & 1 change of clothes. We formula feed for travel, so 6 bottles of baby water + 6 pre-portioned formula. I brought a swaddle blanket but he really didn’t need it because he ran hot. We boarded early so we can get all our stuff (guava travel crib, stroller, baby carry on, our carry ons) in the overhead bins. We have this lightweight travel stroller (folds fast and fits in the overhead bin as a carry on!):

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