2 year old Weight

Hi Mamas! My daughter is going to be 2 on May 6th. And I am just thinking that she is really skinny. Although the doctors not concerned because she’s gaining weight slowly, but gaining, I am concerned. so I’m just wondering how much kids are weighing at around her age. She currently weighs 21 pounds. Please share your child’s weight at two years old. Thank you!😊
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My son is 30lbs

29lb here

We are going through the same thing with our son. He weighs 23 pounds and will be two years old on May 22. Our pediatrician did genetic testing and come to find out it’s the gene for protein that’s coming up. My husband and I did the testing and it’s on my side. Maybe think about genetics? How much did she weigh when she was born? My son came out 8 lbs. 2 oz. so that’s the reason we did the genetic testing because he weighed so much at birth and hasn’t sufficiently gained.we’ve even tried the protein shakes for kids

25 pounds here and quite tall. It depends on her height and previous growth chart. Don’t worry if she’s leaner. At the end what’s important is if she looks healthy. Also: you can try giving her full fat milk before bed and such mine loves butter as a snack.

My daughter is somewhere around 27lbs

My daughter is about 24 pounds. It doesn't matter, as long as they are within normal and following their own curve.

My son is 35lb and sort of tall he’ll be 2 on Friday him slimming out recently from being super duper active worried me because i was so used to my chunkster but the doc said he’s fine abd it’s normal

Mine will be 2 on May 15th and she’s the same way she’s 22lbs but was a preemie and is tall. Her doctor told me he isn’t concerned because they typically don’t pack on weight at this stage and she eats really well.

My son's been around the 27 mark for months now. He's thinning out as he continues to grow taller. It's totally normal mama. Try not to stress

Somewhere around 38lbs (he's about 3 ft tall too). He's been big since he popped out though. My husband is concerned he's gained too much weight, but we'll sort that out with the pediatrician next week

Daughter 2 on May 16th 30lbs


@Mandy she weighed 7 pounds. Did your child drink the protein shakes? Did it help him gain weight?

@Julie thank you so much! She drinks about 16 ounces of the red label milk.

My daughter is going to be 2 on may 6th as well!! She is on the smaller side as well but doctors have always said she’s healthy and it’s normal for some toddlers.

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My daughter will be 2 on May 6th as well! She is 21.8lbs and on the tall side. Our dr said the same thing and if they aren’t worried about it I think you’re ok. For now they are just on the smaller side :)

My son will be 2 on May 4th and is about 35 pounds. My daughter was about 25 pounds at 2 yrs old and is still skinny today (shes almost 14 now). Kids grow differently.

@Vanessa he still is drinking the protein shakes. Our insurance covered Nestlé boosts. We get them every month but because the glitch in the gene is a protein deficiency it makes sense why he’s still 23 pounds and not the Incredible Hulk. Ha ha.

@Vanessa what is her length for age if I can ask? My son is 31 inches so he is in the 15th percentile when it comes to length for age. So he’s little. As for wait for age, he is 3rd percentile. Your daughter was a good weight. 7 pounds is still considered a decent size baby. Don’t stress too much over it though as long as she’s happy and healthy and she’s eating and she’s not losing weight. That’s the main thing she’s not losing weight. She’s just gaining a little bit slow. But if you haven’t tried the protein shakes Nestlé, boost or PediaSure.

My son is 32 lbs

My daughter was considered borderline underweight at her 2 year appt and she was 28 lbs

@Mandy she is 31 inches. I will have to look into the nestle boost or the PediaSure. Thank you!

@Sarah 28 and borderline under for 2 year old. Then mine is way too small. What did your doctor suggest you do?

Son will be 2 on May 15th and he weighs 32 lbs and is very tall, very solid build. Super active.

The last time my daughter went to see her doctor she weighed 27 lbs

My daughter is almost 2 and at least 32 pounds, not sure how tall but she looks taller and sturdier than other kids in her preschool class.

@Vanessa we are right there with you at 31 1/2 inches ❤️

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