Losing hair!!

I started sending my baby boy to his grandmas house when he was three months old. He also had a head full of hair. Now he’s 7 months old and his hair still hasn’t grown back. What can I do or what has been done to cause his hair to fall out? First pic was before I started sending him to her. The second picture is now. Pic posted in another post
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Second pic here.

All my boys hair fell out at 3 months it’s completely normal it’s because of a drop in hormones for both mother and baby. My partner started applying organic Jamaican castor oil and a lot of it has grown back now!

I think get all of them trimmed to get a even and better hair quality we did this with my niece and it went well

My son lost his hair at 3months and didn't really get it all back until 5months.

@Lex my baby doesn’t sleep on his back. He’s been like this since he was born tho. I just want it to grow back. He looks bald headed.

It will grow back babe! Try the castor oil! Also I just saw our boys have the same name just different spelling!

@Lex beautiful hair!!

@Courtney if the hair doesn’t rough or remind you of split ends in certain parts then the silk won’t be needed. My daughter would get this from back sleeping. We also use k18 and protein+fat heavy diet.

@Courtney can you send me the link of castor oil pls?

My son was born with thick black hair and his hair started falling out when he was around one to two months old. A lot of it was due to cradle cap. But most babies lose their hair before they are 12 months old. It’s very common and I know it stinks but it will grow back. Just give it time. My son is 6 months here in a few days. His hair has come back it’s not super thick yet. But it’s still an on going process. What I did was I started using HobaCare 100% pure Jojoba oil baby care. I put it in my sons hair maybe 2-3 times a day and comb through it (he still has cradle cap so this helps loosen it) and he also sleeps on a silk sheet. He’s been sleeping on a silk sheet since he was 2.5 months old & I’ve been doing the oil since he was around 4.5 months old and both have made a significant difference! Hope this helps mama. Just know that you are doing AMAZING 🤩

My pediatrician explained that just like how we lose our hair around 4 months PP, babies do too sometimes. I think he explained that it’s like shallowly grown hair that we get when the hormones are at al ultimate high and the hair basically can’t survive the drastic drop and falls out. Apparently it’s similar for babies too sometimes. Also tons of babies get the bald spot in the back from laying on their back and thrashing their heads when soothing themselves

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