Potty training

So we started about 2 months ago but it didn't work out and we are back in nappies. My little boy was getting really upset and I didn't want him to have a negitive attitude to the potty so I thought he's not ready. I feel a bit of pressure to try again but he's just started nursery so I don't want him to be too overwhelmed with everything going on. Has anyone any tips or in a similar situation? He's got absolutely no interest in going on the potty or toilet and always says no to it so I am not sure if to wait a bit longer or take the plunge x
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So this is not personal opinion but from what I've researched the ideal age to potty train is between 20-30 months. The idea is that they are self aware enough and able to communicate when they need to go. As they get older their 'habit' for wearing a nappy obviously gets more ingrained as they are doing it for longer. The reason the age of 20-30 months is recommended is also because there is a developmental lull in this period so they tend to have nothing else going on. Once you hit the 3 year developmental stage they become aware that they are separate to you and that they don't have to do what they are asked (apparently worse than now 😂😂 hence the term threenager) so that's why it's advised to do before 3 as they fight it more Having said that the day care situation may be hindering depending on how often he's there and how helpful they are when it comes to potty training.

Potty training is not easy and it cannot be done in 3 days like some people suggest. You need at least 3 days at home to start with to just be naked and pick up on his ques to go to the toilet/catch any accidents before his soak through. We have just done it at 30 months and he was definitely ready. He gets it but still has days where he says no! After 3 days at home we then did maybe a week with trousers and no pants so it was easy for him to learn to pull them up and down and also feel when he was weeing and take away the security of something tight on his bottom. During this stage we did small trips out and about (with potty in tow) he did do one day at nursery during this stage but didn't do well at all but that's quite normal. I'm lucky as I work school terms so we did it the second week of the Easter holidays but I would say do the main first bit in a long weekend if you don't have the luxury of longer. (This weekend is a bank holiday!!) There is always going to be resistance they are toddlers

So sorry for the long message I hope it helps. You have got this, just be patient it's a really hard thing he's learning to do that is completely different to what he's done from birth. Nappies are all they have known. He's is totally capable of being a potty superstar. on that note get some books to read him! This really helped and is where the term potty superstar came from and we use it all the time to big our little one up YOU HAVE GOT THIS!!

We’ve just potty trained, we used the oh crap potty training book which I would really recommend! We did it over a long weekend, my husband took the Friday off with me and we did 3 days at home with a couple of v short trips out (quick walk etc). The book explains it really well and it did work, he went to nursery on the Monday and had a couple of accidents but has been fine since at home and at nursery. It’s tough but it’s one of those things that once it’s done it’s a huge relief! Also the book says you don’t need to bribe them to use the potty but we did and I found it helpful- we did chocolate magic stars and stickers and made a sticker chart! Otherwise I found he had zero incentive to use the potty. He only wanted chocolate as a reward for a couple of days after then was so excited to be using the potty that he didn’t need the choc anymore and now he just goes independently to the loo/ potty, it’s been just over 2 weeks since we started. Good luck!! You got this 💪🏻

You may find that now he has started nursery he will see other children using the potty or toilet and be more open to doing it himself.

Thanks ladies. I took your advise and we are using the long weekend to our advantage! Let's do this 😂😁

Good luck 🤞🏼

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