12 month and STILL can’t link sleep cycles

I swear every month since she’s been born I’ve read “at this age they will learn to connect sleep cycles”… still waiting. Unless we contact nap she will only sleep for 40 mins, if we contact she can do 2 hours. She has never come even close to sleeping through, again we have to cosleep and despite this still wakes multiple times in the night. She goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 and already needed settling back to sleep twice. I really thought by now she could manage a bit longer without me. I get zero time to myself day or night! What can I do to at least promote longer independent naps? Thank you ☺️
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This was us until basically this week, I don’t co sleep but I breast feed and sleep has been terrible for naps and night, then two nights ago she slept through and next morning did a 2.5 hour nap in the cot 😲😲😲 prior to this she’d do 30 mins then would sleep on me for next 30 mins I have no advice but just to say hang in there

@Kate oh wow so it really can just happen! Do you feed to sleep?

So every nap I feed to sleep and for bed dad gives a bottle or I do if he’s working late and she goes to sleep on that she had vaccines yesterday so has been up twice but honestly I’m happy with 1 or 2 wakes I don’t even expect her to sleeo through she had a few good nights maybes 2 months ago then got poorly then went through 12 month regression I think now she’s having good nights again at one point she couldn’t get passed the 30 min mark even if I was pushing her in the pram so hopefully it’ll just happen for you too

@Kate okay I see. I still feed to sleep for all sleep unless in car or pram which I’m happy to continue but do wish she could go longer without needing me to resettle but hey it’ll happen one fine day 😂

a child is born with the basic ability to link together dreams. All night awakenings and short daytime sleeps are due to the fact that the child has not awake time enough and baby is not tired. Baby has no pressure to sleep. This is why the child asks us to link him to sleep with the breast, pacifier, bottle or rocking . increase your waking time and u will see how it works . It is very difficult to overexcite a child, especially when the child is mostly at home. don't be afraid to increase your waking time .

@Nataliya yesterday she only had a 40 minute nap in the morning and 30 mins in the afternoon which finished at 15:20 and she went to bed at 19:30 so I don’t think sleep pressure was an issue here 😬

My daughter sleep one long nap and night from 22:00-8:00 . I used to have the same “problems” as yours. now they are gone, only thanks to a competent somnologist and increased wakefulness time

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