Toddler not talking?

Hello! My son is 19 months old now and he does say a few words, but he seems to have no interest in really speaking, verbally communicating, or learning new words. I try to talk to him during play but he is completely quiet. It seems the more I try the less he wants to. Help! How did you guys help your kiddos talk?
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My son didn’t really begin talking until he was at least two. Now he’s three and has a great vocabulary and has more than caught up to his peers. My daughter also seems to be a “late talker,” but I am less worried now as I know that kids develop at different rates. If you’re really concerned I would talk to his pediatrician though! I know that sometimes speech therapy is recommended and can be helpful.

I wouldn’t worry too much, my little boy is 16 months and speaks gibberish, when he does say a new word he’ll just say it once or twice then never again lol. He said duck when he was about 12 months when we gave him a rubber duck but he’s never said it again, same for a lot of words. But he understands a lot and he knows a lot of words, I can tell him to pick up or certain toy, remote, mummy’s phone etc and he knows exactly what I’m talking about and will hand it to me. So I would ascertain if he understands words and just can’t verbally communicate or doesn’t understand at all. Either way children develop in their own time.

@Sarah thank you!

@Cassie thank you!

I wouldn’t worry about it too much for now. Some babies are just late bloomers for talking. 🤞🏾 I started my LO out with ms Rachel baby challenge 2 @ 9 months. We watched it everyday and I found the repetition helped him get interested because they were familiar he’s 20month now and has an extensive vocabulary, sentences etc. I did used to talk to him everyday but I found he got his interest from the show then started getting interested in what we were talking about . Babies love routine and repetitive stuff and she uses speech therapy techniques and also teaches sign language. That helps a lot as well. I think Ms. Rachel herself had a late talker if I remember correctly she spoke about why she started her channel. You’re doing a great job mama. Good luck 🫶🏾

Mine didn't even say his first word until about that age. He's a complete chatterbox now! Just keep doing what you're doing, reading and chatting to them loads.

my husband didnt talk until he was 2 1/2. My mother in law always jokes about how they were so worried, but then once he started talking he just wouldnt stop

The app Speech Blubs can help 🩷 my daughter still uses it sometimes now at 5 it is a subscription based thing but it helped us when she was smaller

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