Not random grandmother at soft play telling me I shouldn't breastfeed my baby

Just a rant by why do randoms feel the need to comment on how you feed your baby?! Please tell me this is just generational! Random grandmother at stay and play telling me you should only breastfeed you baby for 3 days, as after 3 days the benefits stop and I should formula feed. Whilst I just stare at her in silence, wishing I said a million things...
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Wtf is wrong with people 🤣

Bizarre and interesting that decades of research and experts would completely disagree. But obviously she knows best

I know right. Gah! Why did I just say nothing. She comes to this play group every week now so it's awkward. I just ignored her and then looked away. But I breastfed my first for 17 months, but regardless even if I bottle feed, or whatever I choose to do..why is it her business to tell others?! Angry face emoji

It's so difficult in the moment to come up with a response when something comes so out of the blue. Every time she's within hearing distance I'd just comment on the benefits of breastfeeding. But maybe I'm less polite than you. People just need to keep there opinions to themselves

Definitely a generation thing. Older women feeling luke they need to but in to how you raise your baby. I went to the shop yesterday and there were two women by the trolleys telling be I had to be careful as I lifted him and then telling me he was too cold

That's mad! How rude of the lady.

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