Giving up.

I’m gonna lose my mind if I can’t get this baby to sleep through the night just a little. I feel like I’m actually going crazy. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I am a SAHM and my son is 4 and a half months old, and HATES sleep. My husband doesn’t help at night at all, or really ever at all. He says he doesn’t know how he can do anything. I have barely slept in over a month. My entire body hurts and my mind is giving up on me. I just don’t know if I can really do this..
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Omg I feel like we live the same life rn I feel like I’m doing everything on my own and HES NO HELP we got this tho if yu ever need to talk or anything im here 🫶🏽

Try safe cosleeping do what you have to do ❤️

My daughter was like this. Every hour and a half / 2 hours she was up does now 16m old and as long as she goes to bed at 10 she sleeps through most of the time. Any earlier and she will wake up once or twice. Good luck mama it's definitely hard

If your baby already can go through the night without night feedings you should try sleep training, start your bedtime routine and try to do it every night at the same time. it’s complicated at the beginning because sometimes they literally cry themselves out to sleep but gets so much better and you will be restful to give your baby the best of you next day. And talk to your husband, tell him exactly how he can help, it’s a two people job.

Sending hugs that sounds unimaginably hard. If it's any consolation my daughter was the same and it didn't last forever. I bought a coffee machine to get through the day and she did begin to sleep better and we tried sleep training when it felt appropriate for her and that hugely helped. Co sleeping on a floor bed can help or using a co sleeping cot. If you have any friends that are/ have gone through similar try and meet up with them as talking to someone who really understands sleep deprivation can help. Try and not be too hard on yourself and let as much go as you can housework and dinner wise, just do what you have to do to get through 💜

Have you tried dream feeding? I use to do it with my son and it was a game changer . You basically take them out of the cot around 1 hour before you go to sleep and just give them a feed while they are still half asleep . It makes sure they are topped up for longer . Good luck mama xx

@Mariana no sleep training until at least 6 months

This is completely normal. 4 month sleep regression is a really tough one. Look into it more so you can understand what is going on with baby. It’s really helpful

Cosleep or try the book The Helping Babies Sleep Method by Dr Sarah Mitchell which you can start from 4 months old

I used white noise for baby’s try it it will help my baby to sleep through the night

It’s tough but I hop it helps something

Try the Huckleberry app! There's a free version but the paid version gives you a "sweet spot" for naps and bedtime and it was worth every freaking penny.

It’s tough going, my daughter was never a great sleeper but it is normal for a baby that young. Mine only started sleeping through at 2 and a half. Only way I got through it was co sleeping which made it a bit easier. Wouldn’t recommend sleep training for a baby under 6 months personally.

I just wanted to comment to say that my first born didn’t sleep through the night until 15 months and he still doesn’t always. It’s biologically normal to still wake up. A 4 month old “sleeping through the night” is considered 4-5 hours. Also just wanted to add sometimes low magnesium and low iron and undiagnosed lip and tongue ties can also impact sleep a LOT. I rub magnesium lotion on both my babies every night before bed. I also give them an iron supplement. I find it does help a lot.

I felt the same around the same time, read a book called precious little sleep and got my baby sleeping on his own. Saved us! Really recommend it!

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I really don't want to be the bad guy but in case your man is working and you are the SAHM then that's unfortunately your task. My daughter wakes up every hour and sometimes I have two hours but then she wants my boobs 😂 And she's 20 months, hope this will get better soon but some babies aren't that easy. Just don't give up

I personally decided I don’t believe in sleep training, but I don’t judge people that do it because sleep health of the parent is very important BUT babies really should never be sleep trained until 6 months or later. Before that they don’t have object permanence. They are crying and don’t even quite know that you exist anymore if you aren’t by them. They have basic needs that aren’t getting met. My pediatrician said you always tend to babies when they cry under 6 months (unless you need 5 minutes to stay sane) I remember needing time then getting my baby and crying feeling like I was horrible. And begging her to sleep. It’s so hard. Hang in there I also researched safe co-sleeping and did that. Read a book called Safe infant sleep by James McKenna, PhD

I don’t know if you’ve tried this but babies are used to noise and darkness in the womb. So I used a noise machine and kept it very dark. Also to get her circadian rhythm right tried to spend daytime outside a lot (in the shade)

Where do you try to put him down to sleep? My daughter is 2 months and she wasn’t sleeping at night either until me and my partner figured out how to get her down. She is an exclusively breast fed baby I do pump as well so I pump every night when she goes down and we give her a bottle a day at night to get her understand when she gets the bottle that means bed time is coming. And she hates the bassinet so we put her in the swing with white noise on and it’s been a game changer especially the white noise. She now sleeps at night between 5/6 hours

@Alexis just curious are you letting your baby sleep in the swing? Or stranger to bassinet after they’re asleep??

Or she co sleeps with me as well

Where does she sleep?

@Karina I let her sleep in the swing in the beginning when she would fall asleep in the swing I would try to bring her to the bassinet and she would wake up and cry and wouldn’t go back down. So for me it worked to let her sleep in the swing, we put the baby camera on her and check on her continuously

I hear you! The ‘feeling crazy’ thing is because you most likely are. Hear me out. Sleep deprivation does crazy things to you. I used to see things I was so sleep-deprived, and I used to post things like this when my son was the same age. At the same age I downloaded ‘Little One’s Sleep’ and paid for the monthly programme they had. I followed it and he started sleeping. Good luck!❤️

how about just stop trying so hard.. leave the baby to self soothe

Aww. I'm sorry you're going through this. I had my baby in her pack n play next to my bed. I didn't have to get up but I also could co-sleep for a bit and put her back in her pack n play. I know it seems like this is going to last forever but things will get easier!

@Alexis I did this too. I brought her swing into the bedroom..

@Clarlie yeah same here swing is right by our bed

Lord I could have literally wrote this. We got him a stuffie that had a warmer inside and I put one of his t shirts in my bra all day one day and then put it on the stuffie worked like a charm. He's 2 and still sleeps with me we are getting close to no kore co sleeping tho. Now he just reaches out in the middle of the night to make sure I'm still there ever once n a blue he use to have to sleep on me. Or on his stuffie that was warm and smelled like me. (Ie my breast milk)

Sleep during the day when the baby naps you take that time to nap too this means your body won’t be dependent on night sleep, if need help with baby sleep message me

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This is exactly why I will forever sleep train my babies. At about 2 months old we sleep train. All 3 of my kids sleep amazing and have since 2 months. If mama isn’t sleeping she can’t be a good mom. Babies need their sleep too. I hate that people say this is normal and to just suck it up. Sleep training is a life saver literally.

@Sierra if sleep training truly worked you wouldn’t constantly have to retrain. Sleep is biological and when a baby is ready to sleep through the night they will. Also experts and doctors recommend that sleep training before 4-6 months is not effective and correct.

@Karina I never had to re train… lol I will continue to do what’s best for us. My babies and I all get tons of sleep thanks to sleep training. Mental health is far more important.

I was the same at this stage and had tried so many things and was bed sharing. I was exhausted. Ped recommended a book “healthy sleep habits healthy child” which is essentially step by step sleep training. I hated the crying part, but oh I loved regaining my sanity. And honestly, even though baby cried the first few nights, she was waking up SO MUCH happier in the morning cus she had actually slept the hours she was meant to. That part made it easier to follow through on

this was almost exactly how i felt up until a month ago. at 3 months i started safe cosleeping. that helped me get 2-5 hours of sleep each night. 6 months I transitioned baby sleeping in his own room. During this time I had a BIG talk with my husband that my body could not handle it anymore and we needed to work together so baby was safe. i decided i could handle the overnight wake ups if he took over the first morning shift (whenever baby wakes up past 5am and through to 10am) that way i could get at least 5 hrs sleep. you are tired, but you’ve got this!! get your partner on board!! you deserve help.

I know of people who sleep with the baby on them in a carrier. I know it sounds dangerous. They are nurses. You don't have to use this advice. But I'd walk on a treadmill w baby in a carrier in order to get baby to sleep.

Anna hubbard on YouTube is someone i watched for sleep advice

Also tips: Make sure room is dark, quiet and distraction free. Have a consistent schedule throughout the day.

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