Supply Dip

Hey pumping mamas! Has anyone else experienced a dip between months 4&5? My supply has had me on a rollercoaster this last month, and I can’t seem to consistently get it back up. I’m an under supplier, and have had a really rocky pumping & feeding journey. I’m on domperidone and a whole slough of herbal supplements and pumping every 3 hours or so.
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Prenatal vitamins and milk thistle helped mine 🥰

Time to replace your parts if you haven't already!

@Chrissy please explain

@Gabriela Mirro if EP you should be changing any parts that cause suction every 2-3 months it can be longer if only pumping sparingly. They breakdown and the seals stop being effective which results in less output. So duckbills, back flow, even the hose can need to be replaced if constantly being taken off for whatever reason. Things like your flanges should be fine but it's also good to recheck as your nipples can change size during your feeding journey which would result in needing different sizes if they've increased or decreased enough.

@Chrissy it’s a brand new pump - because I couldn’t get the right parts for my old pump shipped to Canada.

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