Breastfeeding frequency

For those still EBF, how many times a day are you breastfeeding? I'm still breastfeeding about 5 times a day but some feeds he's only feeding for about 2-3mins on 1 side only. I'm not sure if I'm still trying to feed him too often and he's just not hungry now that we're doing 3 meals a day too. Just don't want him to be dehydrated as he has been a bit constipated since weaning.
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It varies for me, sometimes it’s a couple of minutes breastfeeding, sometimes it’s longer… I breast feed on demand but sometimes if I feel like it’s been a while I’ll just offer it just incase he is a little hungry or thirsty. I think our breastmilk is supposed to adjust to our babies, if they are dehydrated then our milk is more watery. I always try to breast feed him before any meals and then keep offering water every 5ish minutes of eating his meals. My little one always seems a little constipated too, but just trying to avoid bananas and lots of pear and watery food like cucumber through. (I’ve been to gp and they said sometimes they just need a little help when starting solids and constipation, so using lactuse whenever I feel he needs it)

I am about 5 times a day but felt 2 of those feeds were too close together compared to the rest, so I am trialling one less this week. She only ever really 'asks' for milk first thing, the rest of the day I think I just automatically feed her before she's hungry as it fits our routine better. Although if she starts wanting more milk overnight I will be going back to 5 in the day 😂

@Kirsten yeah that's it. He doesn't often want fed, I'm just routinely feeding him before we go out anywhere as he's not good feeding in public now as he's distracted! Or like you, I'm feeding him because I think it's been a while and it fits round routine x

Scared to drop a feed though for the same reason!🤣

@Hannah I think you can just try it and see what happens, yesterday I just offered her some banana instead of her usual feed and seemed to be fine and she took one good bit feed instead of two half hearted ones 👌

How many of those feeds are through the night? I keep having to bf my baby at regular intervals overnight but not sure how much is habit vs actual hunger!

For me, just 1 feed during the nightx

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