Surprise birth weights

Just wondering if anyone else got a surprise when they had their baby.. my boy made an appearance at 10lbs 10oz.. everyone was really shocked but I can’t understand how nobody knew this beforehand? I had a natural labour with only gas/air and thankfully it turned out ok but could have gone very easily wrong due to his size. He’s 10 weeks tomorrow and around 15lbs already.Did everyone’s scans pick up big/small babies? My first was a girl and she was an average 7lbs 13.
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My measurements crossed the centile line which triggered a couple of growth scans! They predicted 9lb 5 oz, and she was born 9lb 11oz! So they weren’t far off at all. The midwife said to me they’re either accurate or completely off target x

My baby was only 5 pounds 14 ounces, way smaller than expected and I had gestational diabetes with insulin which usually causes large babies. One doctor suggested my placenta was failing but I never got a clear answer as to if that was the case. Thankfully she is a healthy baby, but it’s annoying to not know why she was so small

I was told with my first he would be no bigger than 8lb. He came out 10lb1 🤦‍♀️😂

My daughter was 9lbs born at 41 weeks. There were no indications that she was going to be that big.

I'm due in June so can't comment on how big my baby is yet🤣 but out of curiosity did your bump measure big or anything? All my bump measurements have been between 90th centile/97th centile. My last measurement was at 31 weeks and the chart predicted 4lb 4oz, which made me wonder if he will be big considering he'd have another 8 weeks of growing to do. But I've heard the bump measurements aren't accurate anyway? So not sure what to expect really

I was told baby would be 11lbs and she was 9lbs xx

Nope my measurements were all perfectly normal and nobody even mentioned anything 🤷‍♀️ didn’t have gestational diabetes either

Mine was 7lb 11 at 36+6....don't think I'd have wanted to push her out at 40 weeks 😂🤦‍♀️👀 No extra scans so didn't know otherwise.

My first was 6lb8oz and so small! He just stopped growing in those last crucial weeks but all good and healthy. Then my second was born. I measured big with him and he was born 8lb! Which to us was huge and 67cm long 😅he will be one now in a few weeks and his current growth checks are predicting he will be 6ft 2 approximately as an adult 😅

Just another example that women can birth larger babies absolutely fine! 👏

My scans had my baby tracking at the 50th percentil she was born at 31 weeks but even then she was really small and at the 15th percentil. She was 3lb1oz when born. She's now 9 weeks and just gone 7lbs

The baby being larger doesn’t mean you’re not capable of birthing vaginally. Our bodies are designed for this. No matter how big or small. Growth scans aren’t always 100% accurate. They’re usually off by about 2lbs sometimes more.

I’m 5ft 5 and weigh around 9 stones so there was talk in the delivery room that I may need help and wouldn’t do it but the adrenaline kicks in and also the worry for the baby and just have to give it some welly lol

Mine was very much off towards the end. They thought he had stopped growing one scan at 6’1 two weeks later he was at 6’2 and he actually came at 7’4 with no growth issue

@katrina are you UK? Usually placenta gets sent off for testing if they suspect there’s something wrong x

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@katrina I’ve just had my third baby 5wks ago, and all 3 pregnancies I had GD with insulin as well and all 3 were tiny babies, 2 being just in 6 pound and the other being just under. I think as long as your diabetes is controlled, babies shouldn’t get too big. But yeah.. same as you was worried about having bigger babies but definitely come out smaller ☺️

I was predicted to have a 9lb 13oz baby on my scans and she came out 10lb 9oz so I got to choose how she was born because she was measuring bigger

I had a few growth scans saying I’d have a big baby, and she arrived at 7lbs at 40weeks 🤷‍♀️😂

@Amy no I’m in Canada, I’m not sure they do that here unfortunately..or when they do it!

My first daughter was only 5lbs 3 oz and I was told only days before she was born that she would be. 7-8 pounder! I was shocked how small she was! My second born was expected to be a similar size and she came out 7lbs 14oz only ten months later!

I don't remember ever really being told about her size so I assume they weren't concerned. I vaguely recall bump size sitting in 50th centile. My partner and I aren't the smallest people - his family are all fairly mixed heights (5'ish to 6'ish), mine are tall (5'9" to 6'5ish) so we were not expecting a small baby by any stretch... 6lb 1oz baby later, who was described as petite by a health visitor at 1 month old weighing 6lb 10oz. She's 2nd centile so nowhere near my bump centile!

My boy was measured 8lb 13oz at 38 weeks then had him at 40 weeks 9lb 7oz so was pretty spot on for what he was tracking

I wish I understood the centile thing 🙄😂

My little girl was born 9lb 2oz and we had a growth scan around 34weeks showing she was about 5lb 11oz so they had no idea she was going to be that big! They were all very surprised when she came😂

I got told at a couple of my growth scans that if baby was gaining weight as he was, if I reached 40 weeks I'd have an 8/9lb baby. I gave birth at 40+2 to a 5lb 13oz little boy. He's now 14 weeks and weight 11lb 11oz

I have similar thoughts when looking back to my birth experience. My bumb was measured above the 97th centile at week 37 but weirdly the nurse said it was normal so i wasnt sent to scan. I had called the hospital and requested a self referral which confirmed my baby had already been 7lb 15 oz at week 38, however no consultation was suggested so i went to labour naturally at week 41 and ended up with an emergency c section as a result of a severe infection due to raptured membrane. My baby turned out to be 9lb 10oz. The surgery was beautiful experience and both of us did very well however i can totally relate the feeling that things could have gone wrong in our case too. Take away is that even a correct scan doesnt garantee a more thorough care.

I was surprised he weighed less than predicted and same with my first . Both were predicted heavier by alot actually

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