SPF sunscreen

Which one is better for babies? (8 months) La Roche Posay or Childs Farm? So confused on which one to get! Which La Roche? They do so many types! Thanks :)
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La roche posay expensive but so worth it!! X

@Krystle thank you, which La Roche did you use for your baby?

I used the baby lotion one and the spray version they both worked the same, the baby lotion is just a lot smaller. I use it for myself for skin care and Spf under my makeup and never had any problems which made me decide straight away :) xx

We used this one on our son, he has eczema and it was gentle on his skin. But do make sure to skin test before you actually need to use it. We put it on his for arms a few days in a row to make sure he didn’t react to it being repeatedly applied x https://www.boots.com/la-roche-posay-anthelios-uvmune-400-dermo-pediatric-hydrating-lotion-spf50and-250ml-10339393?cm_mmc=bmm-buk-google-ppc-_-PLAs_HeroCompare-_--_-PMax:+UK_Smart_Shopping_Healthcare_Other&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADrIajXQu_EXrSF_hXr6r1KqkMkTY&gclid=Cj0KCQjwltKxBhDMARIsAG8KnqUWmtCR_6l6OhQQrbx9-DNOzza5nUDV90lUaKLpNnGM26JuEjRjTa0aAioaEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

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