Hi, are you on Facebook? Nearly all home ed stuff is on Facebook. There are loads of groups around the UK on there. It's helpful to know that in the UK it's actually called home edication. If you search home education plus Linconshire groups shpuld come up. I would also suggest searching home education plus the name of a big towns near you. I expect you will find there are loads of home educators in your area. There many many thousands of home edders across the UK 😊
I agree with Jade the best national home education group on Facebook is - Home Education For All (HEFA) UK
I've messaged you as I'm in the same boat.
If there's not a lot happening, get it going 😊 It can be hard work but definitely worth it. We've got loads going on now - your energy will inspire others to organise things too! Are you in Home Education For All UK and your local Facebook home education groups?