Delayed speech

Hi mamas! My son turned 2 on March 17 and can say many words. He knows his colors and most animals and their sounds. He can say “I love you” and “ I want milk” etc, recently he has been rambling on, most of which I can’t understand but I thought it was normal, just him trying to form sentences. Anyways at his well visit his dr was concerned that she couldn’t understand more of his rambling and that at his age she should understand more of what he is saying, and recommended that he goes to speech therapy. I’m just curious if any other moms are in the same boat. I personally thought he was doing well with his words but now I’m second guessing it! How much are your little ones talking?
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I thought that was normal? My daughter can put some simple sentences together such as "I drop the toy" or "What is that?" But I definitely can't always understand what she's saying, especially since a lot of her words sound similar. If you google it, 2 year olds are expected to know how to form 2-3 word sentences which it sounds like he does. She only spent I'm guessing 10-15 minutes with your son, so maybe she just happened to hear him speak at a time when he wasn't speaking well. You can obviously take him to speech therapy to be safe, but he sounds normal to me!

My son turned 2 on March 14th & he also doesn’t say much but knows what things are & can say it but not form complete sentences. If he sees a dog, he’ll just say “dog”. He also knows stop, yes, & no. For me personally, I think that’s wonderful and I’ll take it. I don’t think much of it bc I was taught that boys are little more challenging to teach speech/potty training. If you’re really concerned, I started putting on “learning first words” on YouTube & it has really helped a lot! It has helped him with colors & everyday words. I think you should give it to the halfway mark to be concerned if he’s not improving. He sounds like he’s doing really well, though!!❤️❤️

Thank you! Honestly it makes me feel a lot better because I thought it was normal for his age and was a little taken back when speech therapy was recommended! I’ll definitely keep working with him, and possibly consider taking him in a few months if he doesn’t make any new progress. ❤️❤️

Your son is more advanced than mine and I’m still not concerned. He knows at least 10 words, doesn’t know his animal sounds except a duck or his numbers or colors. And also most of the time just has his own language lol

I think your son is doing great. My daughter is about the same and my pediatrician told me she was doing great based off what I told her. She didn't just base it off the visit, because my daughter is shy and won't say much with people she doesn't know. The pediatrician saying he may have a speech delay over one visit makes no sense to me.

I am sorry about this situation. It must be confusing for you . I will like to say…..Speech therapy will do no harm to him. However, if he needs it and you do not start early, that is the problem. Giving your child the best enabling environment to become the best version of himself sounds like a great idea to me. Now, my son is speech delayed; if I compare what your son is doing now to mine, i will say your son is doing great. However, the peadiatrician must have noticed something we mothers tend to not notice because we all see the best in our children. As we should. I will encourage you to pursue therapy, if they assess him and he does not need it- they will let you know. May we not be plagued by guilt of what we could have done in the future. Amen I wish your son well. Kisses and hugs ❤️❤️🙏🏾🙏🏾

My son turned two at the end of march and says a lot of words and a few short sentences and other than a lot of rambling. I can usually understand his ramblings enough to get what he’s saying because we’re always together but I think the ramblings seem to be on par with other 2 year olds. Sounds like your son is doing great!

You shouldn’t worry, I think doctors put pressure on toddlers too much. Listen to your instincts, it sounds like your kiddo is doing great!!!!

He's saying more than my toddler and we have a speech evaluation coming up but I initiated that since he's not forming sentences nor does he repeat words

He’s saying more than my son. Speech therapy will only help him. I would take a all the therapies offered

My son turned 2 on March 7th, your son is more advanced, my son knows his numbers the alphabet but doesn’t form complete sentences he has said I love you and I want apple a couple of times, but in this last month has been babbling ALOT lol some stuff I can make out, but I’m not completely concerned yet, boys develop slower than girls and speech therapy can only help, you got this mama!!

My son just turned 2 last month and has maybe 10-15 words between 3 languages (english german asl) and produces a good amount of jargon (indiscernible words). Speech therapy was also recommended and we also have him in early intervention services as well for his speech delay. I’d rather get ahead of it than wait and see like our old doctor was saying.

My son goes on and on all day long. Have no idea what he is saying most of the time. Like he’ll point at the tv and have a full conversation about what is on the screen, but i have no clue what he is saying. But then he’ll sit with his toys and go “yellow car black car crash the copter!” Or “more juice please” or “where mama/dada going?” And he does say well over 30 words. When he has a need, or a want, he can let us know and its clear as day. But when he wants to tell us about the show he’s watching or book he is reading, he just babbles. My ped said thats totally normal. I wouldnt worry too much.

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