Abortions are necessary

idgaf y’all can bitch at me. Abortions are necessary. Whatever the reason. Yes there will be people who abuse the system, but do you really want someone who CANNOT raise a child, be responsible, or in any other sense be a parent in charge of a child? Yes adoption is a decent argument! But what about the 4 million kids in orphanages and foster care??!! Also, what about the moms who CANNOT carry??! Every single type of birth control except full hysterectomy has a chance of failing whether married or not!! Not to mention Up to 32% of moms cannot physically breastfeed, what about the moms who cannot mentally breastfeed? Formula is $52/can. Most parents need 10+ cans a month and wic only covers 6-10 cans for some. 65% of women use bc and that doesn’t include women in countries who refuse to allow it!! Abstinence is a ridiculous argument for most women. Besides the biological, women either married, in relationships, or single, 53% of women are sexually abused. Yes, don’t be in relationships like that, but what happens when you have no choice? Your family is supportive of it, your friends, you’re not allowed to work or have money?? 60% of women who have abortions already have kids. 40% of mothers are single mothers. Why keep blaming moms? They’re already doing all they can. Most women cannot afford more children because of their existing children or cannot have them due to medical reasons. Over 1/2 of women who have abortions said they used at least one form or more of bc. Underage abortions are at 12%. 39.1% of moms on are child support due to absent fathers. Only 1/4 of those receive child support regularly. Planned parenthood is necessary. Most women who attend aren’t even after abortions just affordable medical care. Cancer, yeast infections, Sti/std, utis, ultrasounds, pap-smears, birth control, and so on. Planned parenthood offers most services at 20% of traditional costs if not less. I’m sick of America taking this Bs out on moms!!!
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Well. Said. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Is there a reason for your rant?

@Renee I got a “community guidelines reminder” notification bc I told 2 people to fuck off bc a mom was facing a possible need of abortion due to medical risks and having other kids. Essentially, depending on what the doctor said on the next appointment, she would need an abortion or face death. They told her she needed god, how she was selfish, guilting her by sending video clips of how 10 week olds could feel pain, told her she needed to practice abstinence if she didn’t want kids despite her mentioning using 2 forms of bc. No need to defend her, but she was married, with other living kids, suffered miscarriages, used bc, and was told by a medical professional she would need an abortion or would suffer severe medical consequences including death if she continues the pregnancy. She was looking for support to be met with hate and bigotry. And in general, how people treat women and abortions. Women shouldn’t have to defend ourselves so desperately.

@courtney thank you for giving context.


@Renee you’re welcome. However, I still stand by my stance that abortions or the topic of shouldn’t have to be justified.


Agreed 🫶🏼

Everyone I know here in the Uk is absolutely horrified at how the woman’s right to choose what’s right for her and her body is being dictated by a load of old men sat in your government. Can’t have a lifesaving surgical procedure which would leave the other kids with their mum, it’s going back to the dark ages. I hope the lady gets a doctor with common sense

@Steph idk about other places but multiple women have died here bc their states denied them any sort of medical attention for fear of being sued/losing their license. Multiple women have also died due to not receiving an abortion in time, dv, and so on, let alone complications and traumatic still births. All from the roe v wade turnover. Statistics have gone wild with the increase.

Sorry, not sorry... I just have to share since you mentioned planned parenthood. I had gone in a few years ago because a guy I was with said he was getting tested for an STD because another girl he was with had an STD. I ended up making an appointment for another day and was leaving. Of course protesters were outside and approached me with their BS. I wiggled my way out. Day of the appointment comes, I ready for them!!! I cranked up my radio playing Joan Jett "Bad reputation" and I speed into the parking lot scaring the shit out of the protesters. I walked into planned parenthood in uninterrupted. While waiting a police officer came in asking who drives the red van. I raised my hand, he tells me to talk to him out side. I explained my side of the situation. An employee then asks to speak to the officer. .....

..... She comes back inside, pulling me aside thanking me for doing that. She told me she basically stood up for me and the officer ended up writing the protesters a ticket. Ewww buddy, I felt so fuckin good. Leaving after my appointment, it sure was quite outside. 😏

Agreed I hate that they take it away then gave it back just to take it away again 🤦🏽‍♀️ imagine your in a bad situation where you don’t have a place to live or even a job and they tell you no to abortion and you have to bring a child into this world because the government won’t allow you to do what’s best for you Don’t get me wrong I adore kids but abortion is definitely needed in some cases Or you need it done for medical reasons and they brush you off and tell you no it’s insane

Courtney for Pres 2024!

Agree to disagree

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@Anna not here to argue, but what part of this could you possibly disagree with? The whole thing is based on statistics and facts…

Yes yes yes yes yes💕💕 I HATE when people come on posts forced fucking birth. If they care SOOO MUUCCHHH they can go adopt some already living children 🫠

@ashleigh god forbid they adopt a child they’ll get shit on for that too 😩trust me ik I got some much hate just for saying I’d consider adopting

@alleah whhhattt! People who are willing to adopt and take care of children that are not biologically theirs are amazing. You’re amazing for considering or thinking about adoption💜

@ashleigh I got so much backlash it didn’t make sense and I mean I was adopt to open adopt so they can have a healthy relationship with their real parents too

@alleah thats soooo sickening that people would hate on someone for wanting to give a child a better life. So many children suffer thru the system and end up aging out

@ashleigh that’s the same thing I said and people that said they was adopted told me that it’s traumatic on them being adopted and people that wasn’t adopted stated the same thing and called me disgusting for trying to build a family 🫠 I wasn’t building a family I wanted to give a child a loving home

Got to admit, the beginning of the post got my back up, but well worth a read. Thanks for taking time to write this. I am pro life, but I acknowledge that there are so many factors that play a part in a very difficult decision. I just pray for a time when pro life was supported by more than abuse and judgement. Back it up with support for mothers who can’t afford or feed children, mental health support, decent childcare to give parents support they need and most importantly acknowledging that some circumstances make it impossible to have a child.

The thing is whether abortions are illegal or legal they will continue to happen. Would people rather abortions happen safely by a professional in a sterile environment or women being forced to seek out potentially unsafe abortions? Anyones personal opinion on whether abortions should happen or not is irrelevant, the simple fact is those who do get an abortion should have the right to do so safely. I dont agree with abortion except for medical reasons HOWEVER I understand that women who do choose to do so deserve to be safe. Id rather women have it done safely than 1 woman suffer or even die from having it done unsafely. You cannot say your pro life and allow living womens lives to be at risk. If youre pro life you have to agree that medical procedures should be done safely.

@alleah we usually hear about the bad experiences of adoption and fostering cause the happy ones are HAPPY ENJOYING LIFE💕 it suck’s so many children go thru shitty foster homes shitty adoption parents and all that it really sucks and there are thousands of kids it’s heartbreaking.

This is really only tangentially related. But the U.S. makes it so difficult to adopt that both families that I know who adopt went to other countries. As in traveled internationally, multiple times per child, paid the associated costs, and it was still more affordable and accessible than adopting in the U.S. So, before you tell me adopt is an option, check out the system. As far as I can tell. You are agreeable for someone else to make money by "homing" your child. And there is no shortage of horror stories. I would prefer my child die by my hand than suffer by someone else's.

@Anna so a mom should just die and possibly leave other kids behind?

I am pro life. And by that I mean all life, including the mothers. Mothers whose health is at risk deserve an option. Mothers who are forced to have babies they cannot afford deserve help to raise those babies. It seems most “pro lifers” only care about that life until they’re born, then you’re on your own. If women are to be forced to have babies, the system needs to change and they need to have adequate support to raise those babies. I don’t have the right to form an opinion on what someone else chooses to do with their body. Abortion wouldn’t be an option for me and the thought of it does make me incredibly sad BUT it does need to be a viable options for many. I always say to anti abortion people, if your daughter was raped at 12 and became pregnant, would you force them to have that child? I think that’s sick.

And as you said, planned parenthood is so much more than just abortions. I’m from the UK so you could argue it’s nothing to do with me but I worry about what this means for IVF

I think it’s just none of my business what other women want to do with their bodies, the only thing I don’t like is when people are stupid and think ‘oh it’s fine I’ll get an abortion if anything happens’ like it should be prevented as best as possible in the first instance but everyone’s circumstances are different! I also think if you want to get one then it should be done asap

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@Danie lol genius! Idk why I didn’t think of something like that! Yeah I went to PPH for testing once and those protestors lol telling me my baby deserved to live 🤭 what fucking baby are you talking about is what I said but now that I think about it, they probably thought I was evil and already disassociated from my “baby” since mouths dropped to the ground at my response. I mean people can go there to get BC lol they provide other services outside of abortions. They be really harassing people and that’s sad for someone to hear those nasty things before & after an abortion. Which now makes me think how many suicides have they contributed to by telling a person they don’t deserve to live if they kill their baby. Smh

I am pro-choice! God gave us the choice to make our own decisions 🤷🏾‍♀️. So who tf are we to restrict anybody? Let people work their choices out with God.

@Indy thanks but it probably wasn't my best idea ... I think I was in a manic state at the time. Like I really flew into the parking lot and got really close to them. But for real that place is not just for abortions. I honestly couldn't go threw with an abortion myself, it would destroy me mentally. (That's why I have so many kids) But there are situations where I could see someone having to make that decision and I couldn't imagine having to make that call regardless. Having people harass you in the process would make it so much worse. And your right, suicide is a very likely possibility with their BS. It's funny the protesters don't consider all options for someone to go there, birth control. Which would be your first step to prevent abortions. I'm pretty sure my oldest son visited there, he had bags of condoms. Let folks go in peace so they feel comfortable getting birth control. They need to be educated.

@Golda from my understanding in some situations you can adopt without giving any money

Where did you get these stats from? Reference?

@Evah multiple websites. Easy to find.

They're an absolute necessity and a vital medical professional to have access to. There are a million and one different reasons women need to have one and they all need to validated and accepted. What about the women who fall pregnant as a result of rape they shouldn't be forced to raise a baby who's fathers a rapist, or those who face maternal death for carrying on a pregnancy or those who simply know they cannot afford a baby cannot give it a good life and know the risks of putting them in care that they could face abuse and neglect and never make it out of the system. America is so backwards as a country when it comes to these things I am beyond grateful I live in England where if the day ever came I needed an abortion I could get one.

I know everyone has their opinions, but I will always be pro choice. What you choose to do with your body is no one's business. I had to have one when I was younger. I wasn't in a very stable relationship and I wasn't going to cope mentally and physically so I made the desicion. Was it easy? No do I still think about it today? Yes off course I do. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do and I didn't make this decision lightly. So please you pro life people out there respect other women's choices.

@alleah not saying this is why, but from my own viewpoint I could only understand you being jumped on if it’s like the post I mentioned where a mom cannot medically carry and has existing kids or a similar post where adoption doesn’t help anyone involved nor is it possible.

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