How to help baby sit??

My son scoots and rolls like nobody’s business but hates sitting practice. He immediately starts slouching back to get back to the ground. Or he will hold himself up hands forward but no interest in actually sitting!
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You are doing things just as you should. He will do it on his own time. We don't use bouncers or play center things and she does all the things and we assisted as needed. So definitely as much floor/free space as possible to explore and do movement.

@April thank you I needed to hear that! He’s either being held or rolling ALL AROUND. I had to get one of those big living room play pens cause that boy can move and move fast!

Mine sits and loves when she stands up but won’t roll over she hates being layed down

@Brynn D She was army crawling for about a week and Wednesday she started full on crawling...these tiny humans can BOOK IT haha

We put my girl in a boppy pillow sitting up and put her tummy time mat infront of her helps a lot!

@Liddiaaa my boy too! I thought he was really behind because he will not roll over or drag himself around. But he has been sitting up without help for weeks, loves walking and jumping.

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