Weight Worry,

How much does your 4 month old weights? Are you exclusively breastfeeding? Mine I feel is on the low end - will have appt. in a few weeks and can check but a bit worry as she struggled to gain at the beginning. She was 10 at 2 months
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My lg got weighed the other day and she was 15lb 1 oz

Mine will be 4 months on the 19th and as of last week he was 13 pounds

Mine was 17 lbs at 3 months. Hes is now 4 months and his appt is on monday 😭.. i also combo feed 🫠 maybe you should look into that but if your ped says she is healthy then that is all you need to worry about!

As long as they’re gaining and on the growth curve then you’re fine ☺️ I’d ask your ped!! They’ll tell you if you should be concerned

our guy was 16 lbs 9 oz at about 3 and a half months! he’s combo fed but mostly breast milk

We’re about 11lb 6 oz right now at 4 months. We were born a month early but I will fight it if they try to push formula

My 3 almost 4 month old is currently 15 pounds but one of the the girls I worked with had her daughter a week after me and she is 11 pounds. Both of us are EBF

My lo was 12.8 at 3 moths and they were concerned he wasn’t gaining enough and suggested we supplement and I fought it at first but his next weight check he still hadn’t gained enough and turned out since I stopped pumping I lost most of my supply so he was in fact not getting enough so we supplement what I can’t make now if the doctor is concerned hear them out and figure out what works best for ur lo just know ur not alone momma 💕

My baby is 13 weeks, exclusively breastfed, and weighed 13 lb 10 oz as of a few days ago. I also worry he is under weight because he was born in the 99th percentile.

My 4 mo is 13.12 pounds! We are formula fed, about to start purees in a few weeks!

My baby has always been on the 25th percentile for weight, she’s formula fed and at 2 months she is was also 10lbs at 3 and 1/2 months she weighed 12 lbs she turns 4 months tomorrow and has her 4 month appointment on the 10th I’ll find out how much she weighs then

My baby just turned 4 months and she was weighed a few days ago. She was 16.6lbs and was 17 weeks exactly. She was in the 91st percentile, though. She is EBF

Don’t worry about the scale momma. That’s not what your pediatrician is going to be focused on so much as the growth curve. My first baby lives in the low teens percentile for growth and my second baby Is living in the 40-50’s. My petite first born is growing like he needs to and my chunky second born is growing like he needs to.

My baby was 10lbs 10oz at 3months... she's on the tiny side 🤷‍♀️

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