How much does your baby eat?

I have a hard time figuring out how much solid food my baby really "needs" to eat at each meal & always end up feeling like he doesn't eat enough 😭 Our pediatrician said that he should be eating 3 meals a day with us now. How much does your 12/13 month old eat? Picture to show his breakfast today that he barely ate - french toast, mandarins, and requesón cheese 🙂
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I feel like when they say "they should eat 3 meals a day" they mean be offered 3 meals and whatever they that's what they eat. My daughter has good and bad days lately she's only been taking a couple of bites of food other days she will fuck up some food lol

She also prefers to snack on things maybe u could try offering more snacks.

Three meals are more three opportunities at eating and they’ll eat more and more over this second year. A serving size for them is like 1 tbsp and only 1000 calories a day including milk so not very much volume consumed. My son eats a lot and then other days it’s all on the floor - trust they know how much they need!

Solid Starts is a free app and good reference

@Madison this is a good point! It's good to know it's hit or miss, because sometimes he will eat a ton! Like the other night we had fish and he ate an entire fish himself plus some veggies!

@Alexa thank you for this reassurance! I do want to make sure he has a healthy relationship with food and can honor when his body feels full, but I also want to make sure he eats "enough."

@Alexa oooh yes! I do have the solid starts app but I don't really know how to make good use of it because I'm already so bad at planning meals even for myself... any go-to meals you want to share I'd love the recs! We usually do a main (fish, steak, chicken, turkey) and then do a starch (like rice/potatoes) or beans/lentils, and then a veggie. But I run out of recipe ideas 🫣 and I forget that things like yogurt exist to give extra nutrients without having to cook

@Sarah oh my gosh, I’m so bad at meal planning too especially with an upcoming toddler 😅 I had bought the first 100 days starting solids bundle from them and definitely found it worth it. I know they’re switching to all app based subscription, they have some really easy meals. I’ll look and can send some of my staples when I get a chance tonight!

@Alexa OOH there's another side of the app that you pay for? I didn't even realize! I'll definitely be checking that out, thank you 🥰

I just feed her whenever I eat because she won't eat a full plate by herself so I let her eat with me

My son eats less than that. I breastfed and try not to force him to eat I told his pediatrician that some days he barely touches the food even though I keep offering him. She said is fine as long as I offer him the meals just so he have an idea that it is meal time because the actually get the routine with time. When he do eat he eat iron rich food I noticed he likes beans and brócoli and eggs and this is what I offer him the most.

I feel you, I think it’s really normal for babies to not eat that much that consistently at this age from what I’ve seen and heard from other parents. My daughter also doesn’t eat much all the time, and sometimes it’s frustrating! I got mad at my husband tonight for making the taco meat too spicy for her and her not being able to eat it for dinner 😅 but she eats eggs for breakfast every morning so I feel like at least there’s that, and I breastfeed her still so I try not to be too stressed about it. Especially because I feel like babies can sense when you’re anxious about them eating and it makes them want to eat even less lol

@Sarah yes! Check out their website. They have a lot of guides and the meals are super easy to follow and helpful. I like it just written out for me 😂

I offer my girl 3 meals, plus healthy snacks in-between. She loves snacking, and it helps to make up for when she doesn't have much at mealtime. Some days she doesn't eat as much, but I think it's normal to have some variation.

I always eat with my son more or less just to show him. Showing that I'm enjoying the food and think it's yummy help him to try new things. I've also found that sometimes offering the same food in different ways (small pieces vs strips) sometimes sparks interest. My son just turned 1 and has 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks every day. Sometimes he eats a big meal and no snack, while other days are a small meal and then a snack.

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