
Hi all I'm really interested in how people's experiences with epidurals have been? My bubs is 10 months now and I hadn't even considered an epidural for his birth because I was always told by my midwives "low risk makes you aa MLU girl...you don't want to be on the labour ward" so that's what happened. Recovery was fine but the pain with having only gas and air was just traumatic. I can still hear my screams. Literally begged for a c section - it was all rather dramatic. Until baby's heart rate dropped and the clever bubs got himself out of there after an Episiotomy. Since thinking about having another in a year or so (if I'm lucky enough) I am scared of Birth and was thinking about an epidural. Please can people share their experiences...did you feel the needle? Could you still feel your baby kicking etc? How was recovery - did you tear or need assisted birth because you couldn't feel anything? So interested to know Thanks xx
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I had epidural with my second birth. The pain of the needle was nothing in comparison to the horrific labour pains I was having. I didn't tear but they performed an episiotomy downstairs so it was best I took epidural. It's was totally fine once I regained feeling back try not to overthink it! Was the best decision I made for this birth

I had spinal block placed for an elective c-section and honestly the only thing I felt for an IV placed into my hand. Was so taken by this sensation that I even didn’t realise when the epidural went it 🤣

I have one word for my epidural- amazing 😅 it made my labour 1000 x better and enjoyable and I was absolutely terrified of giving birth. I am extremely needle phobic but still had it. You do feel the first needle for the local anaesthetic and I won’t lie it stung like hell, but after that I didn’t feel a thing. I never really noticed whether I felt baby moving or not or if I did, I can’t remember😅 I had a 2nd degree tear and needed stitches but didn’t need an assisted birth and I was up and walking about an hour after being stitched. I’d 100% have another if I ever have another baby xx

I had an epidural - you get a local anaesthetic in your back which just feels like any other injection and that’s it! The hardest part is sitting still whilst having a contraction, but you only need to sit still so the anaesthetist doesn’t have to start again, it’s not like it’s going to do you any harm if you accidentally move, and they’re really good at stopping what they’re doing if you let them know you’re having a contraction. Within 5 mins of the epidural being in, contractions eased into nothing. I personally couldn’t feel baby moving still, but because I was on the monitor, I knew she was okay. I could still feel pressure of baby’s head coming, but absolutely no pain at all. I could still move my legs to move around the bed, but not enough to bear weight on them if that makes sense. I had no tears and a really minimal blood loss. They stopped the epidural as soon as I delivered so I was up and walking and having a shower before I even left delivery suite! x

My epidural was the highlight of my birth 😂 I was induced with the drip so the contractions were cranked up to 11, and honestly it did take them 3 goes to get it in correctly because my contractions were so strong and close together. But my god once it was in…sheer bliss. Napped my way to 10cm and pushed out baby in 45 mins. Didn’t feel a thing til several hours after birth, including them stitching me up etc (mild second degree tear, they debated whether was first or second and whether I even needed stitches!). Didn’t feel movement but because I was induced they were monitoring me and baby closely anyway.

Also just want to add that even though I could feel pressure, it wasn’t that bad clearly as I was due an examination (4hrs after the previous examination where I was 4cm) and the midwife said “I would do an examination but I don’t need to, if you reach down, you can touch your baby’s head”, and 4 mins later she was born🤣🤣x

I had epidural with my first. I had it at 6cm (about midnight) because midwives advised me it would buy me some sleep and baby would likely not be born until later next morning. The actual injection was fine I don't remember any pain. Midwives held me still as I was really drowsy from morphine and could hardly sit up. Straight afterwards I slept through until I was checked at 10cm and ready to push. Contractions were too far apart to progress with pushing so I was advised hormone drip. This caused foetal distress so mine did end in emergency episiotomy, forceps and second degree tear. I don't think this was due to epidural though I think it would have happened anyway. After the epidural my contractions just felt like braxton hicks X

The epidural was amazing for me I was so happy I got it honestly. I didn’t sleep for two days because of contractions and then when I finally went into active labour I needed it so badly and I was able to rest for a few hours while I dilated more.

I was scared too, but always chose to have it. I was so scared of it going wrong or failing, i hummed and closed my eyes to disassociate while i was getting it lol. But it was SO good. I was able to sleeeeep, and be aware of everything, i could focus on pushing with no pain and it all went perfectly ok. Im So glad i had it. And in so thankful to the nurse that gave it to me.

Although noone wants to read negative experiences..in my head its always good to know JUST in case! But i had one beginning on labour, i found it painful personally going in but i think it’s because they did it wrong! The lady hit my spinal fluid and it was leaking out my back then the numbing only worked up one of my legs i ended up having a emergency C section just from pure exhaustion but i would still say overall a positive experience and i would elect for C section if im lucky enough to get pregnant again 💕💕

Same as Jess I didn’t have a great experience, had it placed several times and it didn’t work for me, still felt everything, ended up as an emergency section, luckily the spinal blocker did work or they where looking at putting me to sleep !😬 17 months later my backs still knackered at the epidural site! (Spinal was put In higher) Daily pain for something that didn’t works a bit of a kick in the teeth but both where risks I knew could happen when having it done 🤷🏻‍♀️

I had an epidural with my first. He hit a nerve in my back. I screamed for him to stop. But he decided to carry on. And he hit a nerve again, in the end it didn’t work… I also had to beg for a c section in the end. I told them to put me under as no way I was letting them put a needle in my back again.

@Megan i feel this! Currently spending my income on monthly sports massages 😅xx

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