
My newborn is 3 days old and since yesterday my breasts have been so engorged. Not knowing any better I pumped and the engorgement is worse. My baby has had a shallow latch, she has a small lip tie, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. I have tried hand expressing, the haakaa and I've been breastfeeding from both breasts but it's just getting worse and worse. Should I keep breastfeeding? How can I relieve my poor boob's? Please help!
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Keep breastfeeding and pumping. How often are you doing both

Yupp that's normal first week or 2 while body get used to breast feeding they will engorge only thing that helped me if keep feeding and pumping or indure till body slows down a bit but best if u can keep it up cause if u let them stay in gorged to long body starts slowing production way to much

Totally normally until your body regulates your milk supply to suit baby. The 1st week from milk coming in wether breastfeeding or not you would be engorged.

Don't pump. The more milk you remove the more you make. That includes the haakaa Use ice packs and take ibuprofen Learn how to do gentle lymphatic massage

Thank you all so much! I really appreciate it❤️

According to my lactation consultant she said ice packs and a good hack is to get a clean diaper, wet it and throw it in the freezer. Once it’s icy throw it on the boobs. Light massage towards the armpits might help alleviate you too since the lymph nodes will help absorb some of the fluids.

Unless you always want to pump extra stop pumping. Your body is trying to work out how much the baby needs. If you really must pump just pump the smallest amount you can to be comfortable x

I would stop pumping because that’s going to produce even more milk and not help with engorgement. The hakaa should be used on the opposite breast when nursing for letdown only. When I was engorged, I also took legendairy milk’s sunflower lecithin which helped.

Sunflower lecithin, and time ❤️. Do what you think is best regarding breastfeeding, but I’d like to encourage you not to give up! The first 1-2 weeks can be so challenging with engorgement. If you plan on continuing, hang in there it does get better. Talking with a lactation consultant can be helpful too

Uhh it hurts , mine still hurts at 4 months lol , but if I wanna keep pumping u can use olive oil or coconut oil before u pump around nipple so it’s gonna make it slide better . And make sure u have the right nipple size for pumps

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