Need to get this off my chest

My ex broke up with me just a few weeks ago 7 months postpartum as I found out I was pregnant again and he wanted me to abort which I couldn't do. It's been really rough and today he triggered me with a few things and I wanted to send him this text but decided against it to not start a fight but I do need to get it off my chest somewhere lol. Would you ladies send it or just stay silent? I'm really struggling with the lack of sleep and pregnancy hormones so am definitely not thinking straight. I thought we would coparent closely with time and be friends. And that cos we loved each other we'd still want to look after one another like celebrating birthdays, being more of a team when it comes to things around them, or doing some trips etc together so that they had 'family experiences' sometimes cos they deserve that even though we're not together. I have tried to be friendly and keep the communication going despite really struggling, sending pictures and funny stories of luca to which you don't reply most of the time. I've told you I'm struggling and you know I'm pregnant and breastfeeding so I was hoping you'd maybe think to offer something like cooking dinner from time to time for all of us so I wouldn't have to worry about it every night while I'm going through all this pregnant or to stay the night when luca is barely sleeping with his teeth and sleep regressions. You always say that you do things that have no benefit to you, but by doing these things you are benefiting by being a good supportive dad to luca by making sure his environment and his mum who looks after him sleepless night after sleepless night are okay. And that one time I asked you to stay with us was because you're lucas parent and it was your responsibility to make sure he was looked after and had access to food when his mum was unable to as I was stuck in the hospital bed. Im really not asking you to be off sick every time i bleed, that was a once off cos i was stuck in a hospital bed and couldnt even cook for him. And it wasn't for me but for him. Every other time ive bled I still cooked, changed him, entertained him and made sure he napped. You've made it clear you really don't care about supporting us physically or making sure we're alright during this pregnancy and luca's sleep regressions were I'm barely sleeping and could therefore use help with things around him like shopping for him, cooking his usually separate meals or helping with the endless laundry from his weaning messes. You've fully shut us out to the point I don't know a single thing about your life that might affect things and yet I tried to continue sharing mine since we share a child and this pregnancy. I can see you prefer this cold and distant thing of visits planned at the last minute and definitely are not interested in any kind of 'family' time like a weekly dinner, helping out with things around luca or doing things together so he experiences that sometimes. That's fine and we can do that if that's what you really want. It all just triggered me today as a lot of what's been going has reflected the same issues as in our relationship, like last minute efforts and last minute plans that mean i live in this limbo of not knowing if i can go out and do something or if you might want to come, inconsistency, emotionally not caring when I'm struggling and could use support to keep things going around luca ( now with things that directly are impacted by parenting and being pregnant so you should show some care since im looking after our son and doing all the sleepless nights while pregnant with a child we share), not being reliable with forgetting things or finding other things more important like work than being here for luca or the pregnancy ect. I'll keep talking through it during counselling and hopefully this will all get easier with time. And as was suggested to me I think it's going to be best in the long run for my healing if I keep you updated about the pregnancy but since you're not interested in emotional support which a pregnant woman needs more than anything, it's better if I go through all the appointments myself with a support network in place.
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I think you need to let go of the idea of "family time" as in days out etc as that's unreasonable imo You can coparent but you're no longer a family unit and it seems your expectations and desires are more about you than your child. You need to be setting clear expectations with your ex, set visitation days so you can get a break, plan things even simple things like a pamper afternoon or a haircut but him coming when it suits him and last minute isn't acceptable So it's time to accept your relationship is over, these expectations are what's hurting you and will continue to as he's showing he's not interested in anything like that and start setting boundaries and a clear plan of visitation moving forward for everyone's benefit

I wouldn’t send it, keep writing it out if you need to but if he did care he would be doing all those things and he doesn’t. He knows what he’s doing and his actions show you. Just think about what you really need like the last part and don’t announce it to him just do it how you want it, you could only get through to him how you feel if he comes to you wanting to listen

I agree with Heather. In that message you keep using the word “us” referring to your child and yourself, but as harsh as this sounds he probably doesn’t want that obligation anymore since you’ve broken up and you’re not a family anymore. Lower your expectations. Expect him to be there for his child/children, but not for you.

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