After daycare meltdowns

For the last month our 18 month old son has been having these meltdowns when we get home from daycare. He’ll lay on the floor and cry. Sometimes I try to comfort him but he doesn’t want anything to do with me. Sometimes food will calm him down and other days it’s just hell. Anyone else experience similar situations?
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What time are you getting home? My guess would be he's over tired by the time you're getting home

Could it be that he's missed you? But finds it hard to know how to show this emotionally? Just be there for him during play time so he can get his 'mum-cup' filled back up. You're his 'safety zone' where he feels safe enough to release all the emotions from the day. It's hard, but a big compliment

Sounds like a release on his part & also overtired, would be checking in when his naps are & looking at the chance for additional quiet time. Or home & straight to bed

My 2 children both went through this and sometimes still do (3yr and 4yr) I find it’s just because they are really tired. We have a very early and easy dinner on daycare days, shower, dinner and then early bed help

Aaaww poor bubba. How is his day up until you pick him up?? Does he get enough rest ?? You'd have to follow up with the carers then you'll be able to understand the why imo.

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