Does my baby have a lip tie ?

My baby girl is 4 weeks old and is breast fed. I also pump due to her struggling to stay latched on to the nipple and gets her self distressed. She is currently only on the boob for 1/2 deeds a day, and has expressed milk for the other feeds (4oz). She is struggling with trapped wind, which I think is a result of her poor latch on to the bottle as she clicks on the bottle, chocks herself on the milk and takes in air. We have tried mam bottles & Dr brown bottles as well as infacol and colief.
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Looks like it, yeah. Do you also suspect a tongue tie? They very often, (but not always) come together, and tongue ties are typically responsible for the symptoms you’ve said. It’s not routine in the UK to get a lip tie cut (just what I’ve been told when both my boys have had their tongue ties assessed)

My daughter had this, and they don’t do anything for it. Hers eventually split when she fell which is common with them (lots of blood but healed nicely) I would also recommend checking for tongue tie as a lip tie doesn’t typically affect feeding

@Chloe I was thinking that she may have a tongue tie too, I’m struggling to check as I’m not sure what I’m looking for. I’ve googled pics but they don’t seem to look like my daughters. Should I contact my gp or midwife or health visitor ?

Definitely worth investigating further if you have signs like the ones you’ve said, they’re really common tongue tie symptoms. I’ve gone the HV route to get a referral, but GP may be able to help too. Just remember, neither of those professionals are tongue tie experts and shouldn’t be diagnosing them themselves, but referring you on to someone who can do a full assessment in babies mouth, and a feeding assessment too. I’ve been lucky in finding it straightforward and easy to get a referral and assessment but I’ve seen others struggle more to be seen, particularly if bottle feeding.

She has a lip tie! Three out of my four had one too! They don’t do anything with lip ties as they say they don’t affect feeding the way a tongue tie would. For me it definitely meant it was harder for them to latch as the top lip couldn’t curl back so it can be an issue. We managed to get by with all of ours, my little boy banged his mouth and tore his when he was older and my little girl had a football to the face and tore hers too! My 9 week olds is still intact and we have had a battle with breastfeeding as she also has a tongue tie but we’re getting there. I’d ask to be referred for an assessment by your HV to see if there is a to give tie present too! You can then decide if having it cut will be right for you both. Xx

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