Embarrassing - Accidentally DESTROYED my gut microbiome with excessive sugar

Does anyone have any advice?? (Seeing a doctor is not an option, so please don't suggest it) I'm hoping to hear from people who have had gut issues and resolved them. I've never had stomach issues before, and I am really struggling. Extreme bloating, painful gas, frequent trips to the bathroom with cramping so bad I can barely walk to the toilet... We just moved to a new area, and we have been going to this smoothie place every day while moving in. Sometimes, multiple times a day. The ingredients listed four fruits, nothing more. I have no problem with fruit, but what I didn't know was that they add A LOT of sugar to their smoothies. Like an insane amount. More sugar than I've even eaten in my life. I feel so embarrassed since I did this to myself, and I really need someone to give me some solid advice!
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I developed IBS from shitty eating habits for years. It took about 2 years for me to heal my gut completely, but it worked great. I ate high alkaline foods (foods with lots of water in them and a neutral ph balance, so less acidic. Just google high alkaline foods and examples will pop up). Mostly fruits, veggies, whole foods like potatoes and rice, and chicken fish and beef (no pork as was advised against). These flushed out my system, reduced inflammation, and restored my body to be able to handle junk every now and then. So no greasy or deep fried items. No artifical sugars. No alcohol. Limited dairy. Nothing that irritates your gut already. I dont know how severe your problem is, so maybe you dont have to be as extreme. It does work tho if you need it.

This is how I eat 😭 I really screwed myself, I guess

This might be a stupid question, but how do you know for sure that you have destroyed your gut microbiome aside from the bloating and other symptoms? Doesn’t this need to be confirmed by a doctor?

@Ali Hmm, I don't think it's a stupid question. Given the situation and my knowledge of human biology, I just know exactly what's happened. I just don't know how to fix it fast 😬

Honestly just stick to a balanced minimally processed diet and try and eat natural yogurt/greek yogurt. It might take some time for your body to heal. I realised when I moved out from my parents house their diet was making me ill and so ive stuck to a minimally processed diet. Obviously im a normal person we still occasionally have a mcdonalds or ultra processed food or whatever but its once a month at the most x

Colostrum & some prebiotics will help regulate your microbiome !

Juicing ! There are a ton of natural organic fruits and vegetables that you can juice and drink daily to help with pretty much any kind “ medical “ issue you are having

I personally juice organic Celery, cucumber pineapple, oranges & tumeric, also add black pepper and a little organic extra virgin olive oil to it ( your body absorbs the tumeric more with a healthy fat & piperine ) and drink 12-16oz every day and this helps flush your system/bowels as well as to reduce inflammation and bloating and a lot of other things as well !

Obviously a shit-ton of added sugar is not great for you and juicing basically removes all the helpful fibre from fruit so, yeah, smoothies are not an everyday treat. But I doubt you’ve completely destroyed your microbiome - around 50 per cent of the cells in your body are other organisms, so you have plenty of good bacteria to spare. The evidence for probiotics is a little shaky, so if you choose to take them be aware that they are unlikely to fix your gut health on their own. Personally, I like to take four BioKult whenever I’m given a course of antibiotics. Meanwhile, try to add some fermented foods to your diet like kimchi, kefir, natural yoghurt and sourdough bread. Other things you can do that will make a huge difference: stay hydrated, eat at least 30g of dietary fibre a day, practice good sleep hygiene and eat your food more slowly. https://www.healthline.com/health/gut-health#faq

P.S. If you’ve recently moved house - long recognised as one of the most stressful life events you can undertake - could it be that your gut issues are related to stress, not smoothies? If it persists much longer, it would be worth giving your GP a visit to see if there are any underlying issues that could be causing these problems. You can never be too careful, so don’t ignore it.

If your worried about the “ no Fiber “ content from juicing, you can blend the pulp then add the powder back into your juice

You guys are actually so helpful! I really appreciate it!! Definitely going to be taking the advice here! Also, to add to why I know it was the smoothies I was eating is because they have 90grams of ADDED sugar (not from the fruits), which is more sugar than I consume in a month, so my body was not prepared to handle that much, especially multiple days in a row and sometimes more than once. I've never worried about sugar content because I just don't eat sweets very often, don't drink anything other than water, and I eat extremely well, but they literally did not disclose how much sugar was in their smoothies. I can't even find it on their website other than the first page where it says "all of our smoothies are made with turbinado and may be substituted for splenda" and under the smoothie where it says sub Splenda to cut 400 calories... I'm actually mad lol

That’s, like, nearly three times as much sugar as a can of Coke. I’m not normally one for nanny-stating but that shit should be illegal, especially if it’s being marketed as a health food.

@Sharon That's what I'm saying!! The ingredients they list do not include the sugar. It just says mango, pineapple, strawberry and orange juice. I literally thought I was just enjoying a delicious fruit smoothie, completely unaware of how much they add in. I guess that tiny fine print disclaimer is all they needed to put.

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