
Is anyone’s 15 month old STILL not walking? We practice all the time and she’s been walking with a walker or couch surfing since February. 😩
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I’m in the same boat with my 15 month old. He’s going to physical therapy for his walking. Pediatrician said he’s a step behind

Yes I've heard the same about walkers. That they can delay walking. I never introduced one to mine and she started walking a week from being 11 months. Out of frustration I guess? 😅

@Tanisha we actually don’t own one… she uses the one at church on sundays.

My 15mo old isn’t walking. She’s taken a few steps here and there but she prefers to cruise or crawl

@Roxane same 😭 and i know she is very capable! She just doesn’t want to do it lol

My son is 14.5 months. He’s capable of walking but thinks crawling is more efficient. He lacks some confidence for sure.

I’ve heard of a lot of kids who walked at 15 mos, I think that’s not that uncommon. I thought mine would be walking now, now it looks like it’ll be 16-17 mos. I was more worried before, but I’ve got enough to worry about with her weight and eating… it’s not worth the stress. They’ll do it when they’re ready! ❤️‍🩹 I do try to walk with her while holding her hands as much as possible so she gains some confidence and muscle memory. Practice makes progress 🙂

My first started walking a little past 15 months. My second is starting to stand now at 15 but the trick is not using the walker. I saw that after putting them in the walker, it was like taking two steps back in their progress. See if they can have her hold onto the walker instead of being in it. That helps my youngest w the walking

My daughter is 14 months and still isn’t walking either!! Don’t feel bad or discouraged about it. She will walk when she’s ready. I know it’s frustrating because I’m frustrated about it as well. My daughter walks with a push walker and stands on her own so I know she’s close. I’m sure your daughter will walk soon.

@Daniela @Daniela she doesn’t have a walker at home… she only uses it every once and while at church. And it’s a push walker

My daughter started walking just after 17 months, she was just to comfortable crawling around😂 your wee one will get the hang of it, now my daughter doesn’t stop running😩x

Same here my son try to do a little walking but goes back to crawling but he never gives up

Mine first took her own steps 2-3 weeks ago and then no more, but she just started walking again a few days ago and now it’s nonstop. She’s 15.5 months. We’re thinking it’s because it was easier on the sand in Puerto Rico. This is a sign for all of yall that it’s time for a beach vacation!! 😜

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