Chicken pox, hand foot mouth or something else?

So our toddler daughter, almost 3yrs, came out in bumps and blisters about 12 days ago. I assumed some type of virus, possibly hand foot and mouth, however they were mainly on her face and abdomen. She had a temperature and was very tired and unhappy for a few days. The spots came up red, then blistered and scabbed over. She is still healing from them but had been fine in herself although she doesn't usually nap. I've kept her off nursery. I tried very hard to keep her away from our 6 month old but it was unavoidable that he now has it. But he is reacting differently. He doesn't seem to have a temperature. He has been more unsettled at night. His spots are blistering but alot smaller, started in his groin, then head and were his dribble rash is and a little on his chest but more clustered. He's still smiling, not at all as upset as his sister was. Just wondering if anyone knew what it is? My husband thinks it might be chicken pox? More pictures in comments.
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I think it’s chicken pox,check with the gp tomorrow to be 100% sure. Hope both are better soon xx

I think you are right.

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