Recommendations !

Looking for recommendations for ‘Next to Me Cribs’ and Pregnancy Pillows - 17 weeks now and the uncomfy sleep is getting to me!!
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I treated myself to a bbhugme during my first pregnancy and felt guilty about the cost at first but ohhh myyy it has done me well. Pregnancy, feeding support and tummy time/sitting up aid for my first and now pregnancy again. It’s my best friend 😂 We went for a snuzpod and hoping to use it again if we can put it back together. Also know a lot of people who used the chicco next to me.

@Amber oh that’s super handy to know as I didn’t know they could do that!!

@Stacy I’ll have a look into that one - thank you! Sounds really good. Think I’m leaning towards a Snuzpod!

I used one with my daughter who’s 2yr old now

Bbhugme for the pillow 1000%. Investment but worth it! My daughter is almost 16 months and I haven't stopped using since she was born 😂 Next 2 me we have the tutti bambini cozee xl and will use it again for this baby. Picked it because its one of the larger ones on the market and then converts into a cot. I knew baby would be in with us for at least 6 months and we grow big babies 🙃 so I wanted something I knew would last without having to buy something else. Its actually currently at my MIL house as we use it for naps / overnight when we're over :)

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