Help! Nap time meltdowns 😭

My 15-week old has been having HUGE meltdowns when it comes to napping during the day and he’s been doing it for weeks, maybe a month or so. But when it comes to nighttime sleep he doesn’t have the same meltdowns. My husband and I think he fights FOMO, not allowing himself to sleep when he’s tired. But it’s exhausting and happens multiple times a day. Is this happening to anyone else?
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Yep! Screaming, flailing, crying. You would have thought we traumatized him with naps. He even does it with contact naps and I’m like “I just want to cuddle!” It is starting to get better. We’re ending about 2 weeks of that happening. We starting doing 2 contact naps a day and only 2-3 in the crib and it’s actually helped (or he just is growing out of the nap fights). Sometimes I think he just isn’t ready to do all that time in the crib by himself + nighttime.

Same over here! Huge meltdowns, will only sleep 20 minutes if not held, 4/5 times will wake up as being lowered into the crib. I get so anxious around nap times now. He’s also more difficult to put to sleep at night. We also co-sleep at night. It’s getting to the point where I’m debating on just getting a floor bed so I don’t have to worry about lowering him anymore.

Yes! I feel like my son has a couple of cat naps during the day but will sleep through the night😫

I use to have this issue, but I haven’t had it for about two months now. Here are my tips: 1. Watch your baby’s wake window. Even if your baby doesn’t seem tired after the 2-2.5 hour mark, I can almost guarantee they are tired but just aren’t showing signs as they want to keep playing. I always start to wind down for my baby’s next nap around 2.5 hours unless he shows signs of being tired prior (rubbing eyes, yawning, fussing, etc.) 2. If your baby has days and nights figured out, I recommend taking your baby to a DARK room to change their diaper, feed them, rock them, and then put them down, etc. similar to how you do during the night. I have started to put my baby down drowsy but awake and he will suck on his hands and then eventually fall asleep, I find them helps him learn to re-settle himself and he will now do it during naps and night so I rarely have to help him re-settle. 3. I know this one is quite controversial, but it’s work for us - I breastfeed him till he’s drowsy.

To add to my above comment: 3. After feeding him, I then stand up and bounce him for just a couple minutes as he’ll usually burp if he has one. 4. Evaluate your environment and see what’s different for naps vs night time (dark room, sleep sack, sound machine, etc.) try to keep all aspects the same for naps as you do for nighttime.

We unintentionally stumbled into a nap routine for our baby with the sound machine and the same classical music album for babies. She hears the music and calms usually. Also, we’re on a schedule to feed her as soon as she wakes, but sometimes we feed her to go to sleep. Not too worried about feeding to sleep, because we’d be more worried about an overtired baby

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