Terrible twos 🥲🥲🥲

Hi!! My 22 months old girl is driving me nuts. She started yelling and kicking, hugging friends and pulling their hair after😳 we don’t yell at her or discipline with agression. We talk to her and it seems to not be working!!! I’m embarrassed every time we go out to play dates or gym class. She behaves like a monster. It started about 2 weeks ago. I say you hurt your friend and now he is sad and she pretends to cry as well and turns around and keeps doing whatever she’s doing. I’m hoping it’s just a phase but I appreciate any tips if you went through something like this!
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My son has been doing this. We spank sometimes, but in a situation where I’m telling him oh no we don’t hit that’s mean and hurts. I feel so hypocritical spanking him. But I also do time outs. I’ve read lots of things that say they should be in time out as long as their age. So if they’re 1.5 I do 2 mins.

I have a 21 month old. She isn't violent but she does not listen at times. The best advice I have gotten is to talk to her before you go into these situations. Tell her what your expectations are (in simple 2 year old terms) and say if she doesn't do what mommy says, you will leave and then leave when she breaks your rules. Also, dont put so much pressure on yourself to do a ton of playdates and gym time during this phase. If you can tell she isn't feeling it that day, don't go. From the books I read socialization is more important at age 3. Thats my two cents. Hope it helps.

My son had been doing terrible two things too. He pinches and kicks me when I’m changing his diaper even when I explain that he has a dirty diaper and we need to change it. If he doesn’t get what he wants He falls to the floor and hits his head and won’t stop until he makes a sound. Idk what to do I’ve tried everything.

I don’t have a direct answer, but there are some great tik tok pages for responsive parenting resources and examples like the_indomitable_blackman & mrchazzmrchazz

I talked to our speech therapist about my guy’s similar behavior and it is very age appropriate and normal. Unfortunately they often only pick up the last part of the sentences when you try to tell them things. So if you say “stop hitting” or “no hitting,” they often only hear “hitting”. The speech therapist recommended positive rather than negative talking. So rather than “no hitting,” it’s more helpful to say “use nice hands” and to then model the behavior that you want. Discipline isn’t especially helpful at this age, but you can teach them to say “I’m sorry” to their friends, and to show empathy (which they don’t totally understand, but will get it if you keep modeling it for them).

Not the pretending to cry 😂 . Sorry it just sounds cute but I know how stressful it can be when there acting out ❤️.

the biggest thing i’ve learned is you have to use very short, concise phrases when addressing bc they don’t understand the full sentences. so instead of “you hurt your friend and now he is sad”, take your child by the hand to take them away from situation, model your concern for the friend by asking friend “are you okay?” & then “gentile hands only” & “i cannot let you hit” to your child. distract & take away from the situation. model. model. model. it’s so hard, my child is going through a similar phase but it’s usually bc they are seeing how far they can take their behavior & attention seeking. by paying attention to the hurt friend before addressing the behavior, you show that being violent is not the way to get your attention.

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