To breastfeed or not?

My baby is 6 weeks old and has latching issues - I have mostly been expressing my milk and bottle feeding which means I am pumping every 3 hours I really dislike pumping so I decided to try breastfeed him using a nipple shield during the day which is working so far. The issue is that he requires 120mls and I can easily give him that through a bottle feed and he will sleep a good 3-4 hours When I breastfeed him, although the milk flows - he feeds for 1-1.5 hours as he keeps falling asleep so I don’t think he is getting his full quota as he wakes up crying after about 40 minutes to an hour I am just wondering whether I should keep persisting with the breastfeeding? I was really trying to cut down on my pumping but it seems I have to top up anyway? Does it get better with their feeds as they get older?
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I also am aware that I have posted in exclusive pumping when I am not. Apologies 🙈

This is a situation many of us have faced I could never get my baby to latch on by myself I did it once but he hated it by the time I got him to he just kept dropping his latch I also hate pumping and I've had an easier time lately I pump about 6 times in 24 hrs so I sleep through the night since my son does now and he is almost 6 months old. Sometimes I just wanna drop pumping and just give formula which the ba y already takes formula I've always had a low supply so I supplement but there is a part of me that wants whatever kind of connection with my son that I can I want to have a great relationship with him and I see how much he loves my milk. So I'll keep pumping especially since there are women who can't even do that

Also my friend had a problem where her milk wasn't fatty enough to nourish her last baby he would completely empty both boobs and scream for more 5 minutes later it took a couple days before she finally caved and gave a 5 ounce bottle of formula

My baby girl does the same thing I latch her and if she still seems hungry I’ll give her 2 - 2 1/2 ounces in a bottle so she sleeps well I latch her from 20-25 minutes if she falls asleep I tap her and say hey girl come on she’ll go back to suckling it’s hard because breast is such a comforting space for them but you’ve gotta keep waking them up to eat it’s easier with a bottle cause the milk just flows in their mouth effortlessly without them doing work so they stay awake and get the full feed where if they stop suckling the breast the milk stops

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