Miscarriage but no bleeding yet

Hi looking for reassurance or advice. I found out 4 weeks ago that baby has no heartbeat. Baby at the time measured only 7 weeks when I should have been 13 weeks. Since my scan I've had brown discharge and very light blood when I've wiped a few times. I've not had any heavy bleeding or passing of tissue. In total baby stopped growing 10 weeks ago. Why is my body not having the miscarriage yet? I've opted to do it naturally obviously but now I'm stressing why it isn't happening. Is there anything I can do to help it happen naturally. Really don't want the drug or surgery but this is taking far too long now.
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I would suggest doing the d and c at this point. It’s torture to wait it out. Get it over with so u can try to heal💔

Yes go tot he doctor so they can make it happen faster

This totally happened to me! I had two weeks of light discharge. And that was it for the MC. Still waiting for my next period and a regular flow. Midwife said she can do another ultrasound at our next visit to make sure it all passed. But at this point I'm just monitoring it to make sure there is no infection. I would avoid a D&C if possible. They can scar the uterus and increase the chance of placenta previa. There are medications that you can take to initiate the labor if needed. You can ask your care provider about that if you really want to speed things up.

That’s a long time. My body started 1 weeks after the heart stopped. I’m sure you are at risk of sepsis if it doesn’t come out are you not? I’m sure that was in my leaflet and I was so worried because I had to retest 4 weeks after the initial bleed. I’d probably speak with your maternity unit again. It may be that you need the medical or surgery process of your body isn’t letting go naturally. So sorry for your loss xx

@Anna hey Anna thanks for replying. So are you not sure yet if the miscarriage is complete? I really want to avoid the medication and surgery and let my body do it but my body just doesn't seem to be doing much..? I'm just not sure why it wouldn't.

The doctors should be seeing you every week to make sure it’s going to pass. There should be a limit where they wait for it to happen naturally but at this point it’s best to try medication first and then d&c if you’re really against intervention. It’s not good for everything to stay in there for so long.

So sorry for your loss, I had bleeding like this (found out I miscarried at 8 weeks) I had waited a month before anyone would listen to me and give me a scan to find out nothing had progressed, so opted for the tablets which worked the same day. I can't comment on surgery but there is nothing to worry about with the tablets.

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