Formula fed babies

How many bottles are they having a day now and what’s the gap between them? Mine is on 4 bottles, one every 3-4 hours, but she’s started to leave some in the bottles so thinking she might be reducing down to 3. She’s on 3 meals a day as well.
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She’s 9 months 😊

4 bottles a day every 3 hours, i make 8oz but usually he only has 7oz sometimes 8, 3 meals aswell x

4 bottles a day 7oz but I have noticed he's losing interest and only having about 5 or 6oz in each feed. Smashing dinner though x

Mine has 3 bottles, one at 8, one at 12ish and has completely dropped his 4pm bottle so has a bigger one at 7:30

@Becky thanks! how old is he?

@Vikkie he is 9 months 😊 he dropped that 4pm bottle a few weeks ago, he is also on 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks a day!

Mine was reducing her intake when she was on 4 bottles so I condensed to 3 bottles at around 8.5 months. I still make sure she has the minimum intake of 21oz 👍🏼

My boy is now almost 9mths. He has a morning bottle(6/7am), then 3 solid meals (2-3hrs apart) and a bedtime bottle (7.30/8pm). His 2 bottles are about 300ml each (and his solids aren't much smaller tbh). He is a very big boy with what seems to be a bottomless void for a stomach haha.

Four 7oz bottles roughly 4 hours apart and then breakfast and lunch too x

Milk should still be their primary source of nutrition but as long as they’re on 21oz they might start dropping a bottle at around 9-10 months

My boy is 8 months old and on 3 meals a day. I do 4 bottles a day so bottle every 4 hours throughout the day at 8,12,4,8. He has 6oz for his 1st,2nd & 3rd feed and then 8oz for his last just before bed and he always finishes this and then sleeps the whole night😊 x

My little girl is 8 months and 9 days and she’s on 3 7oz bottles a day. One at 7:30am, one around 2:30pm and one at bed time 6:45pm x

@Clarice thanks, I know this. My LG has been drinking about 32oz but she’s recently drinking less so I think she’s ready to drop a bottle

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