
Hello, my due date is in a week and for some reason I’m hungrier than ever. Anyone else? I keep hoping it’s a sign my body is gathering energy for labour :-) I’m so impatient haha
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My due date is in under two weeks and I'm the same, it's not so much little and often but lots and often now

Same! I’ll be 38 weeks tmmw and I just want to snack all day, and when I’m done eating a full meal I’ll still crave for more 😛 haha I can’t stop

Someone told me it’s because the baby is moving firm and we are getting back more use of our stomachs ? Not sure if true but I guess it makes sense I’ve been midnight snacking 😂

I’m the total opposite. My due date is in 2 days and I don’t want to eat anything. It’s getting really annoying.🤣 I was eating everything in sight like 37-39 weeks. But now, I have no appetite. I just want to use a straw? It’s so weird.🤣

@L1990 I did wonder if this could be why also x

Same here! My OB mentioned that because baby has dropped there is more room in my stomach than when she was taking up more space

@Kelsey this explains it. It’s 4am and I’m soooo hungry ahaha

girl my doctor told me i gained 7lbs in a week 🤣 YES I RELATE

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