Anyone Else?

Is anyone planning on kicking their babies out come 37-38 weeks? I’m so over being pregnant I cannot wait for that safe date! If so how do you plan on trying and getting your babies out?
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Following cause I need to know how to as well 😂😂😂

With my first I started 36 weeks since I was 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and the OB said I wouldn’t make it much longer. I walked 2 miles a day, I bounced on a yoga ball anytime I was resting and not asleep, did 3 cups of raspberry leaf tea, and lots of sexy time with my fiancé. She stayed in until 39+6! I never dilated more than 3cm until 39+5 😂 This one I’m just going to ride it out since my body is stubborn and wants to hold the babies in!

I’ve thought about inducing at week 39. I’m at week 32+3 now. But OB says it might be a long miserable induction because body not ready to kick baby out

I’m getting induced at almost 37 weeks due to high BP. But I was soo happy and ready when my OB said we can still schedule it even though my BP has been more under control lately! I have 13 days left and I’ve started pumping and drinking two cups of the raspberry leaf tea every day to help prepare myself but my little man is already sitting extremely low now I just hope when I get checked in two days I’m a little dilated

I’m just gonna wait it out. I read that the baby releases a protein when they’re ready to come, so it’s true when they say it’s all up to baby! Lol

I actually wanna go the full 40wks but due to having previous c-sections my Dr.'s suggesting 37 but I'm going 38wks if my body cooperates !!! 🤞🏽🙏🏽

I'm being induced at 38 weeks, but could go in sooner. I drink raspberry leaf tea, but it's not meant to help baby come out. It naturally helps to strengthen the muscles, and is good for overall women's health. You could try using a birthing ball, but overall just do your research.

I don’t want my baby to be born early at all and would prefer to go over my due date. Not sure why lol I do want him to be born in June, not May

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