
My sons started with a rash the picture in the post is how it started all of a sudden an ill comment a picture of what it's like now. Any suggestion of what this could be
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Yes, mine was like that a few weeks ago

@Dominique: Hr_Bae_Dom what was it x

I’m Having a girl I know that now I’m 14.5, but when I didn’t know it just said n/a

idk what it is but if you push on it and it doesn’t turn lighter it’s called a non-blanching rash which could be a sign of something bad and id call the pediatrician

If it came all of a sudden out of nowhere it might be an allergic reaction to something did u change the cleaning stuff you use on there clothes or try a new food or put on new perfume for ur self try to think of any and all however small changes that have happened before the rash appeared also I'd call up ur pediatrician to get it checked out better to be safe than sorry x

Oh also do they feel hot could be a heat rash too if they are over heated in any way x

Looks like eczema

It could be Lyme disease

It causes by infected blacklegged thicks

It comes with fatigues and headache

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