is it just me.. or it’s getting frustrating when changing diapers now with baby wanting to move and roll over so much….. 😪

Please send help, lol i was holding myself back from getting super frustrated while changing my 8 month old right now 😮‍💨
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My son it's like wrestling an alligator 🐊 he'll go into a death roll the moment I get the dirt diaper open. And this boy is strong for only being 9 months old.

Lol yes! It’s like wrestling an alligator. And when I pin him down he cries out 😭

Hi! Just here to say you're not alone! My daughter is 8 months and I call it wrestling and alligator too! It used to be such a sweet bonding time but now she acts like it's the most traumatic thing ever 😩🫠

I have to give my daughter something to hold or we wrestling to wipe her ass🤦🏻‍♀️

@Kristen I laughed so hard reading this because you described it so perfectly!! 🤣 Every. Dang.Time! Lol

@Teresa sometimes I wish he didn't learn how to roll (jk)😆 it was so much easier then. None of my other kids were this bad at this age. Here's to hoping he out grows this stage sooner than later

@Tulili LaCour that no longer works with my son he gives no shits for holding something. He's like mom wants to change me challenge accepted

Oh goodness yes! My girl wants to roll and crawl around. I’ve found that giving her a small toy like a teether or something like that helps A LOT. I change up the toy every other day or so that way she doesn’t get tired of the same toy, lol. I’ve also noticed that if I change her in a different spot helps too. Sometimes I’ll change her on the living room a few times a day and the in the room. A change of scenery can help sometimes too.

Omgosh, yes!! Was just about to post something similar. He just wants to roll over and start crawling away. It takes like 15 minutes to change a diaper - not to mention actually out clothes on!

It’s so bad I have considered getting a changing table/changing pad so I can strap her down. Like I though they were useless but now I’m like I get it 😂

@Kamari 💛 it doesn’t work. Mine can still roll! Just keeps him from climbing off the table!

Put socks over his hands! Sounds odd but it works🤣

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