2.5 tog?

Hey ao my baby is a winter baby so I only have 2.5 togs and last night her room went to 25 degrees max. Tonight could I put her in 2.5 tog and just a vest instead of the normal vest and sleep suit? FTM so not sure, I have ordered a lower tog that will be here tomorrow
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Our room was 25 yesterday and i just put her in a sleepsuit. Was anxious with the 1 tog, I do have a 0.5 on order x

I think the 2.5 tog is too hot in a 25 degree Celsius room. Do just a sleepsuit till you have the lower tog sleeping bag

Our room was the same last night and 25 degrees on the gro egg. We slept LO in just a vest and a 1.5 tog sleep bag (waiting for 0.5 tog to arrive tomorrow) with a small fan attached to the unit behind him on low that was blowing a gentle breeze on him (avoiding his face) and he slept through as normal so must of been fine. I checked his chest at 3am when I woke up and he was the perfect temp. I would say 2.5 tog is too hot for this weather as I believe the labels state should only be used up to 20 degrees. Could you sleep without a sleep bag or just in a nappy in the sleep bag if no other option maybe Xx

Yeah I didn't put her bag on last night but because it's part of her routine she was abit like what's going on lol. I'll be leaving it off again this evening till the new one comes tomorrow Xx

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