Breastfeeding pillow and plane travel?

My breastfeeding pillow is too big to use on a plane but is very useful generally. What else can I use on the plane to make feeding / napping comfortable and what about for the holiday itself? Baby will be 4.5months when we travel, and I think I’ll still be breastfeeding by then. Thanks!
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A rolled up hoody, cardi or jumper can be comfy and cushion the armrests. I’ve also used a normal travel pillow to help with breastfeeding on a plane. Whilst on holiday a rolled up towel can help or ask for extra pillows/cushions from your hotel.

Thanks @Jenny

Baby carrier?

I always took my boppy on the plane and then I would just clip it to the outside of my backpack when I wasn’t using it. I did just see a Instagram video where someone said they sell a specific travel boppy that is a smaller size

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